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You walked along side Bucky at the airport, apparently on your way to visit Sam.

"You shouldn't of given up that shield up, Sam," Bucky shouted, not close enough to the man you only assumed was Sam walking down the stairs.

He nodded, already clearly annoyed with Bucky's outburst. "Good to see you too, Buck." Once Sam was off the stairs, he looked you up and down and raised an eye at Bucky. "A bit young?"

You all began to walk along side Sam. Your face churned in disgust while turning to look at him. "I'm his sister, dumbass," You stated, making Sam stop walking in the middle of his way to a plane, clearly about to question how you were alive.

"Look, its a long story." Bucky interrupted, waving his hand around. "You had no right to give up the shield, Sam." You at once understood their love-hate relationship that Bucky was talking about a couple of months before. You eyebrows rose in investment, staying silent and interested in seeing how this will turn out.

"This is what you're not gonna do. You're not gonna come here in your overextended life and tell me about my rights," The corners of your lips turned up into a small smile, hiding it so nobody noticed it. "I have bigger things to deal with now,"

"What could be bigger than this?"

Sam took out his phone, showing Bucky a photo of a guy in some mask. "This guy. His connections with rebel organizations all over Eastern and Central Europe, and he's strong. Too strong," You walked up closer, taking a careful look into his phone. Bucky looked at him with a raised eyebrow demanding more information. "He's connected to this online group called the Flag Smashers." Bucky still looked confused but you immediately understood.

"Your friend thinks he's a super soldier." You informed your brother, who looked at Sam with an appalled face.

"See? She gets it," Sam smiled at you, putting the phone back into his pocket, starting to walk closer to the plane again. "I'mma go check it out."

"I'm coming with you,"

"No you're not,"

Without a another word Bucky grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you in front of him, telling you to follow Sam. "She's coming too,"


The flight was a very long one. The two of them simply stared at each other as they sat on opposite sides of the plane. You sat on one of the crates in the middle, waiting for something to be said.

"I have a feeling it might be part of the Big Three,"

Bucky stared at Sam a little longer before speaking up. "What big three?"

"Androids, aliens and wizards." Sam replied almost upset that Bucky had no clue what he was talking about. He continued; "Whenever we fight, it's one of those three!"

"So who you fighting now, Gandalf?"

"How to you know about Gandalf?"

"I read The Hobbit in 1937 when it first came out,"

"So you see my point?

"No I don't. There are no wizards."

"Doctor Strange."

"Is a sorcerer," You quickly interjected, which earnt Sam a mocking smile from Bucky.

"See?" Bucky smiled.

Sam sighed, clearly over powered. "I don't like your brother,"

You looked back an forth on the two men. "You both act like children," You scoffed, fiddling with your fingers. The air felt thick as the plane flew in the air. You were about to say something when Sam buddy came skipping into the plane's main area.

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