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"Looks like breaking all those laws is treating you well," Sam remarked as you all entered some kind of gallery. 

You and Sharon walked by each other while the boys followed. You looked around, impressed at the amount of vintage and expensive artwork in the room. "I thought if I had to hustle, might as well enjoy the life of a real hustler." She shrugged and you sent her a smirk, cocking your eyebrow in agreement. She smirked back while looking you up and down. "Come on you have to change. How'd you breathe in that?" 

"I manage," 

You all walked into what looked like a fancy ball room but smaller. Clothes hung from racks all around the room. She lead each one of you into individual rooms to get dressed into something more comfy. Sharon gave you shorts, black top and what looked like a harness. You raised your eyebrow at her and she smirked. 

"You'll look hot. I'm hosting clients in a bit. You need to look like that to be bait so guys can come up to you and give you info." 

You huffed but started undressing while she left. You heard her and the guys talk about the new Captain America and something about getting her name cleared but you weren't paying attention. It took you a while to figure out how to put on the harness but you managed. You almost stopped breathing when you say yourself in a mirror. 

"Sharon! I can't go out dress like this!" You shouted from the room you were in. You desperately tried to pull down the incredibly short shorts. You heard her laugh when Bucky asked what she did. She walked in moments later, eye wide while she tried to suppress her smirk. "No. Sharon. Bucky will kill every guy that looks at me." 

She laughed once again. Walking closer to you and she fixed your hair. "Don't act like that's a bad thing." 

"It is. I'm not even into guys." She stopped momentarily and you laughed. "I know right. The ancient girl is gay." 

"Does Bucky know?" 

"I don't want him to." 

"Exactly. This is perfect then," She smiled, taking your hand and pulling you outside to show the boys. "Plus you look totally badass," 

You walked out and all eyes landed on you. Zemo chocked on his drink. Sam's eyes widened and then he looked away when he realised he was staring and Bucky immediately stood. "Absolutely not," 

Sharon stood in front of you, hiding you from his grasp. "Last time I checked she's not a minor anymore." She smiled innocently at Bucky who sent her a death glare. She pulled you up to the area where guests were already gathering. "Try say out of trouble. I'll see what I can find." She explained right before you and her climbed the stairs. 

"You can breathe now," She said to you as she wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "I'll keep him away from you tonight." You thanked her and went on with the party. None of the men that approached you had anything interesting to say and since the high town barely kept up with news outside of Madripoor, they didn't recognise you. 

"Hey guys I found him." Sharon said to the boys. Before she went to tell them however she went to get you so you stood in front of all three of them noticing how they all looked as far as possible from you. You smiled, turning and following Sharon out of the building. 


"Container 4261," Sharon announced as you stopped walking in front of the container. "I'll watch while you talk to Nagel. (Y/N) Stay if you want." 

You nodded, knowing you'd be much more useful out here if you got attacked then inside. She handed everyone their ear piece and the two of you distributed around. You heard the whole conversation through the comms once they entered the container. They found the Doctor and were currently threatening. 

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