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You wasted no time in walking into the building the funeral was supposed to be at. Sam and you walked further through door frames, trying to find any indication of Karli while the rest of the boys stayed behind.

"Hey. You get ten minutes. Then we do things my way," John suddenly announced, grabbing Zemo and handcuffing him a near by pipe thing. You scoffed, sending him a glare before leaving with Sam.

"I hate him so much," You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose as you breathed out an irritated sigh. Sam agreed, putting a hand on your shoulder but abruptly stopped walking. He pulled you closer to the window and looked down.

There must of been at least a hundred others at the funeral. Donya's body was laid down in a casket, flowers surrounding her corpse. Karli stood beside her, holding onto a small girl who looked equally as sad as the rest of them. Your brows furrowed in sympathy. Even though she was doing wrong she was fighting for the correct thing. You felt for her. After all, you spent almost a hundred years alone yourself.

Once Karli noticed you and Sam watching the ceremony, she gently gasped while looking around. Despite her worried look, she continued; "She taught me that we have to do for each other because they won't. And we know who they are. They imposed struggle and hardship on us, then labelled us as criminals for pushing back. But the struggle is what brings us all together. People who have nothing in common. For we are, after all, simply one world and one people." She looked up at you and Sam in a sort of mocking manner. "So live accordingly."

Everyone started walking closer to the casket, placing flowers and bowing their heads out of respect. Karli didn't move from Donya's body, she clearly waited for you and Sam to make your way to her.

You nudged Sam's shoulder, cocking your head at the stairs leading to the room below you. He nodded, but didn't follow. Your brows furrowed but he demanded you leave without him, that he'd spectate from above. You assumed it was his trust, which you looked up to, towards you considering your previous encounter with Karli.

When you foot touched the ground that Karli was standing on, she immediately spoke up.

"I saw you back there, both of you." Her back was turned to you but she slowly spun to face you.

"We just wanna talk."

"Bold of you,"

You breathed, looking down momentarily. "It doesn't have to be a war, Karli."

You found your eyes wandering around the place; candles lit almost everywhere. Tables stood everywhere around the perimeter of the room with small storage boxes on them. The air around you felt dense, as if it was getting thicker and thicker by each second which only made it harder to breathe. A feeling in your stomach erupted. You didn't like it, and it couldn't mean anything good but you decided to ignore it.

"What if I'm making the world a better place?"

"No, it's not a better place if you're killing people."

She smiled, momentarily making eye contact with you before walking over to one of the tables and sitting on it.

"You're either brilliant or just hopelessly optimistic."

You chuckled softly, walking closer to where Karli now sat, your lower back resting on the edge of the wooden table beside her

"Can't I be a little bit of both?" You asked, eyeing her from the side.

"No," She smirked, shaking her head lightly.

"This guy I know, who knows more about Super Soldiers than anyone else on the planet, he says... you're a supremacist." You said, trying to get more information off of her.

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