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Your back ached from being pressed up against the crates. Your eyes felt heavy, almost too heavy to blink. It's been ages since you fought someone, and today it just exhausted you. Arms and legs wouldn't cooperate anymore. Muscles too strained and sore to move. Mind too full to think. 

"You got a name?" The silence was now gone, replaced with four eyes staring at you. They somehow devoured the comfortable silence you wish you had back, waiting for an answer. 

"Uh. Karli." You straightened your posture, cursing yourself when you heard your bones crack. You wiped your eyes, trying to rid yourself from any sign of tiredness. "I did some digging and her last name is Morgenthau," 

Nothing else was said. Nothing else was needed to be said. They had what they wanted. A name. Proof that they were indeed super soldiers. And confirmation that this was only the beginning, a start to something much greater. 

A war. 


Your feet dragged themselves on the pavement. You managed to get some sleep on the plane, but it was short and uncomfortable, the ground too hard too sleep on. Too nostalgic. 

"Hey. It's Black Falcon. What's up?" A kid joked as the three of you walked down a street to a house Bucky was leading you to. 

"It's just Falcon kid." 

"No. My daddy told me its Black Falcon." 

"Because I'm Black and I'm the Falcon?" Sam asked. "So are you like, Black kid?" 

All three of you stopped, turning your full attention to the two boys. One shook his head, the other laughed, bouncing a large basket ball in his hands. You found yourself smiling. They were so young. So innocent.

"Can any of you play basketball?" The one with the basketball asked, pushing his body off the wall and close to the three of you. Hands on your shoulder is all you felt. Left stronger than the other. 

"She can." 

You spun around, shaking your head at him. What was he thinking. You've never played basketball in your life. His face held a innocent smile, directed at the kids.

You kept your gaze on him, mouth slightly ajar. Then you weren't so concerned with your lack of skill in the sport, but at the secrecy from your brother. He told you everything and vice versa. What was he hiding now?

You sighed, turning back to the kids. "Come on then," 

They both jumped up with wide smiles on their faces, running towards the basketball net and dribbling the ball trying to show off. You giggled at them, running after them and pretending to know what you were doing. 

There it was again, the wind. It was taunting you. Maybe you were just making it up in your mind, like a sort of shield from the real world. Maybe it was just in your head, the trauma from being controlled consuming your thought process, making it just real to you

You didn't know how much time had past. Your legs and arms were still sore from the flight with the Flag Smashers, but you managed to hide it well. The most important thin right now was to entertain the boys, at least until Bucky and Sam came out. 

"Well, well who's this?" The woman said. The boys ran over to the woman with wide smiles, eager to introduce you to her. 

A man stood beside her. Short hair, almost bald, a little overweight. The woman on the other hand was beautiful. The gentle curls that fell atop of her head made her face sharp. One of the boys looked very similar to her. Face shape and all. The fathers eyes resembled the other boy however, both nearly identical. 

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