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You arrived in Riga, Latvia the next morning. You walked tiredly through the streets to wherever Zemo was leading you to.

"I'm gonna go on a walk." Bucky announced as you reached Zemo's apparent house.

"You ok?" You asked a little suspicious. He nodded telling you to change as soon as you got into the house. You huffed as you climbed the stairs to the house. Where would you get clothes from?

You barely paid attention to what the house looked like. You just announced you were going to shower and left without saying a word. Zemo said his wife's clothes was in the room opposite the bathroom and you could take anything you wanted. You thanked him despite finding it kind of weird to wear a dead persons clothes. You told him you'd wear the thing you had on but you'd find longer trousers to wear. You kinda liked the look.

You stripped from your clothes and threw then to the floor and turning on the warm shower. A sigh escaped your lips as the water dripped down your tired body. Nowhere in a million years did you think you'd end up here, trying to find a criminal who also couldn't escape your mind.


Bucky was already in the house already when you came out. "I thought I told you to change,"

"I found some leggings to put on instead of the tiny shorts. It's the best you're gonna get," You sneered at him while walking further into the room to sit on the couch and pulling out your your phone you weren't sure how to fully use yet. "Oh shit."


"Karli bombed a GRC supply depot. Eleven injured, three dead. They have a list of demands and are promising more attacks if those demands aren't met in full."

Sam sighed at the information, rubbing his eyes slowly. "From my understanding, Donya is like a pillar of the community, right? When I was a kid, my aunt passed away and the entire neighbourhood got together for a ceremony. It was like a week long. Maybe they're doing the same thing for Donya."

You and Bucky looked at each other with a raise eyebrow. "If not that then they are bound to have a funeral somewhere?" You said. sitting up from your seat and Bucky doing the same.

"Worth a shot,"


You walked into one of the homeless camps that you managed to get a ping on. Sam said he'd go upstairs to look and around. He also said for you and Bucky to keep an eye out for Zemo but you left that job for Bucky.

You walked further into the camp, looking around slowly and trying to find anything useful. There was a group of kids playing with a football and you slowly walked closer to them. They stopped playing when they say you come closer to them, kinda hurdling into each other as if they were scared.

You smiled softy at them, slowly crouching down to get to their height. "You want me to show you some moves?" The kids faces immediately lit up and the boy with the ball nodded, throwing the ball in your direction. You caught the ball and stood up, hesitating for a second. "If I do. Will you tell me where Donya's funeral will be? She's an old friend. I'd like to pay my last respects."

The boy nodded, coming closer to whisper into your ear. "The old factory down the road later today." He pulled away and smiled shyly. You thanked him, picking up the ball and as promised, showing him a few tricks and giving him back the ball.

You walked back to where Bucky and Zemo stood, Sam now by their side. "Easy as that, boys." You said, walking past them and down the street trying to find the factory. The boys exchanged glances but shrugged nonetheless, following you to wherever you were going.

You came back into the house with Sam frantically saying he needs to make a call. Bucky and Zemo had been going at it for a solid 10 minutes.

"You were right." Sam walked back into the room. "Sharon knows the Power Broker."

"Told you-"

"How'd you know?"

"I called her to see if she could help us keep an eye on the camp. She said the Broker went apeshit when he found out Zemo killed Nagel and that he wants the serum back."

"Told you-" You repeated but got interrupted again.

"Don't call Sharon again then," Bucky said aggravated beyond measure. "Alright. W e gotta move. The funeral starts soon,"

You sighed but walked back out the door and pretended not to be tired.


"Karli Morgenthau is too dangerous for you guys to be pulling this shit." John shouted as he walked down the stairs in front of you.

"UGH. You again?" You groaned. "When you said not to get in your way it worked both ways. We didn't bother you while you were doing your shit. So leave us with ours."

"Be quiet little girl." John sneered. "No more keeping us in the dark."

"Keeping you in the dark? I thought we agreed we weren't working together." You scoffed.

"Yeah. You could start by telling us why you broke him out of prison." He pointed at Zemo with a agitated look on his face.

"He did that himself, technically." Bucky said calmly. How you despised that he could keep calm while seeing John.

"Exactly. I know where Karli is. So fuck off," You spat, pushing through him while bumping into his shoulder. He grunted in annoyance but followed you along with the rest of the guys. John just started a fire in you that you couldn't put out no matter how hard you tried. The only way you could get rid of the feeling is by being miles away from him.

"We move in fast. Take her by surprise." John said as he caught up.

"No." Both you and Sam said un unison. "She's pretty chill to talk to anyway. She won't run."

"How are you so sure?" You turned around and stopped walking, walking closer to John who had a defined look on his face.

"Because I fucking am. I'm begging you. Leave. Before I punch you so hard your mother will be sorry she ever gave birth to you. And that's saying something since I'm short as fuck and don't have the super soldier serum in my veins. Alrighty? Great. Let's move." You turned around, feeling as if no more words needed to be said.

Sam looked a bit scared at Bucky who smirked at John, following you with a proud grin on his face.

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