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Your head throbbed as your eyes opened. Your vision blurry beyond recognition of your surroundings. All you could tell was that wherever you were was dark and ridiculously cold. A basement maybe?

"Look who's awake," A male voice called out causing you to snap your eyes completely open. Your spine felt as if it were on fire but you lifted your head up anyway, wanting to know what was going on. There was a man stood in front of you. No-one else was in sight.

So you were in a basement.

You looked down. Your arms were strapped to a chair with zip-ties. Your legs the same.

"What do you want?" You asked, feeling blood drip down your forehead. You didn't even recognise him. His features should of made it clear it was Walker, but your head throbbing and sight blurring, it made it impossible to see further than a meter.

"You fucked up (Y/N)" He leaned forwards so he was eye level with you. "You took the serum away from me, remember?"" He stood straight again and it was at that moment when you recognised him. "I'll be nice and let you have it."

You barely got to hear his last sentence when soaring pain travelled through your veins. You suddenly regretted ever complaining about the pain Hydra caused you. This, this was much worse. Your mouth released a groan at first, then when the pain started increasing you involuntarily screamed, trying to get rid of the burning feeling.

You don't know how long you had been shouting, squirming against your seat as sweat soaked your body from the pain. You felt yourself fall in and out of consciousness. The pain only increasing when you woke up each time. "PLEASE!"

"Sorry darlin'. It'll stop in about 3 hours," he said, standing up and leaving through the door, locking it in the process. "Your brother will love this,"

*Karli's POV*

Sam called me and at first I didn't dare pick up. Then my phone rung twice. A third time. Then a fourth. I groaned, reaching into my pocket to answer the phone.

"How'd you get my numbe-"

"Is (Y/N) with you?" Sam's wavering voice sounded from the other side. The question caught me by surprise, but his tone made my brows furrow.

"No? Why would she be with m-"

"Cut the bullshit, Karli. She's missing. If she'd not with you then John got to her. We need to find her before he hurts her."

My eyes drew wide and my breathing hitched. "Where are you?" I asked, gathering my jacket and rushing out of the camp I stayed at. The others gave me weird looks as I rushed out the door but I ignored them as best as I could, trying to focus on where John could be hiding (Y/N)


*Second person POV*

The pain felt like it went on for hours, like literal days, before someone burst onto the door. Your vision was almost completely fuzzy now, hands shaking and forehead sweating so much that you become disoriented. You occasionally shouted when you felt an intense wave of fire being sent through your muscles but other than that you had no energy to scream.

It felt useless.

You felt useless.

"No, no, no." The female who suddenly walked into the room whispered. "I found her," You noticed your hearing was a hundred times better and you were slowly getting your sight back. You felt a hand on your bicep and you snapped your eyes open. Vision now suddenly back. Your body still exhausted however, unable to even lift a limb.

"(Y/N). Oh my god," A familiar voice said, instantly noticing the empty vial that once contained the super soldier serum on the floor beside you.

"Karli?" You whispered, eyes dropping but sight as sharp as ever. "Please," You wriggled your wrists enough for her to notice you were strapped down. She quickly grabbed the zip-ties and snapped them with ease. You tried to move but she grabbed your shoulders, pushing you back onto the seat.

"Don't move it'll hurt even more. Trust me,"

You winced, feeling the exact same pain return. "How long have you been in here?"

"I don't know,"

You felt your throat tighten as tears started to escape your eyes again. Karli noticed and lifted her palms to your cheeks. "Hey, it's okay," She tried to comfort you but the pain over powered your sense of touch. Your back arched as another ripple of pain was sent through your body.

Next time you opened your eyes, five seconds later, you were on the floor in between Karli's legs with your side pressed up against her front. You wriggled, cried out and shouted whenever you felt something tingly, usually indicating another wave of pain was coming. "How long left?" You managed to stutter out.

"I don't know but it lasted 3 hours for me, it depends on your pain tolerance." She told you kissing your hairline even though you couldn't feel it. "Your brother is on his way but he'll be a while as he went to one of the camps on the other side of Riga to find you,"

You shook your head despite the agony it caused you. "J-just say with me."

Nothing else was said. She'd caressed her fingers into your skin knowing it would ease the pain a tiny bit. She'd kiss your hair whenever you'd scream or grunt. Her eyes prickled with tears every time she'd have to hear you in pain but there was absolutely nothing she could do.

Two hours later and the pain was slowly fading away.

You felt her thumb run across your knuckles and you instantly intertwined your fingers with her, smiling to yourself when you felt her skin on yours. "You'll be tired for the next couple of hours but it'll go away," She spoke softly, running her thumb across yours.

"I'm so sorry-"

"It wasn't your fault." You reassured but she definitely heard how flat your tone was. "It was mine."

"What? No it wasn't,"

"No it w-was. He found one of the serums still intact and I took it off him."

She looked at you with nothing but sadness in her eyes. After seeing how your eyes teared up and water ran down your cheeks she enveloped your body, pushing you closer into her chest. "Still not your fault."

There was a moment of silence until her phone rang. The sound caused you to flinch since your hearing was 700 times stronger and you were still trying to get used to the fact you could hear each beat of Karli's heart a few meters away.

"Yeah she's okay. When will you be here?"

"A couple of hours. We're taking the plane back." Your brothers voice sounded from the phone.

"Okay. She'll stay with me for the night. She'll be too weak to move any further."

Bucky agreed reluctantly, asking to speak to you but when Karli saw how tired you were she declined, saying you were already sleeping in her arms. She hung up not long after, shoving the phone back in her pocket and helped you up onto your feet.

She demanded to carry you since you could barely walk. You didn't know how long it had been before you opened your eyes again. She held you bridal style as she walked through massive double doors. Other people stared at the both of you but when you looked up, Karli ignored their gazes, focusing solemnly on her route to the infirmary.

She placed you down in one of the beds before taking off her jacket and reaching towards where the medicine was. It was the same medicine you bought yesterday. You found your eyes involuntarily closing on their own as Karli sat on the edge of your bed, pressing antiseptics into your head.

"Go to sleep." She whispered as she finished with your wounds. "Bucky'll be here when you wake up."

"Stay with me. Please?" You asked, voice in such a whisper that it was barely audible.

"Of course, I'm not going anywhere."

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