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You woke up to your brothers voice talking to Karli. Now your hearing wasn't as sensitive and more defined, so loud noises didn't startle you as much. Your eyes became sharp, so much so that you couldn't see for the first few seconds of opening your eyes.

Karli stood on one side of the bed and your brother and Sam on the other. You groaned, lifting your hand to rub your eyes. Your muscles were really sore. You could feel each one straining with each move you made.

"I won't disappear." You croaked when you saw everyone was indeed staring their soul at you. "Stop staring," You placed your hand back down to your side and opened your eyes fully.

Bucky rushed to your side, kneeling beside your bed and grabbing you hand in his. It was clear he'd been crying. Karli mumbled something about giving you space and left, Sam didn't hesitate to follow her.

"Karli wait," Sam said as he jogged to catch up with her. She spun around to face him. "Thank you. For that. For helping us find her."

She nodded quickly. "Can I talk to her before you take her away?"

Sam hummed. "We're not taking her away. John is out there still so we'll take her to my sisters until she gets used to the serum. Look, I know there's something between you but she'll be safe with us."

Karli nodded again.

Dumbasses. You thought. You could literally hear every single word for there conversation from where you lay. Bucky huffed a laugh when he realised you weren't listening to him, but to the conversation of the other side of the room. After all he was a super soldier too, so he could hear it too.

"You'll have time to heal that way." He said, but you were more focused on the fact Sam just outed you to your brother unintentionally. He didn't seem to notice however, or care for that matter so you relaxed into the pillow your head rested on.

Sam came back jogging to your bed. "Tell us when you feel better so we can get you on the plane. You're both staying at mine until we find John."

You nodded, telling them that you were fine, just a little sore from the burning. They both helped you up and packed your small bag of essentials before heading towards the exit.

"Can I talk to Karli?" You asked as you threw the bag over your shoulder with unbelievable ease. Bucky walked closer, snatching the bag off of you and carrying it himself. He then grabbed his phone and called Karli who appeared moments after. You turned to Bucky who didn't want to leave your side since the incident. "Alone?"

He huffed but complied, leaving the door slightly open as he walked through the frame. You locked eyes with Karli for a few moments before you walked up to her and grabbed her waist, wrapping your arms around her torso and hugging her tightly. She hugged back immediately, wrapping her arms around your neck while her head rested on top of your shoulder.

"My mind went blank when Sam called me saying you were missing." She hugged you tighter. "I'm sorry it took me so long to find you," You could feel the strain in her voice as she tried to rid herself of tears. "I tried to do it fas-"

You pulled away and lifted your arms despite the pain it caused, cupping her face as your thumbs caressed your cheeks. She closed her eyes and a tear escaped it, you were quick to wipe it off.

"You found me." You smiled. "Thank you for that. I'm glad it was you who did." She leaned her face towards one of your hands, cherishing the way your skin felt on hers.

"Promise me you'll stay safe. That you'll look after yourself until I see you again."

You smiled at her worried look. The butterflies didn't disappear for one second as you leaned into her, connecting your lips with hers once again. It was the best feeling being able to do that again. She kissed back with so much passion, so much lust that wasn't visible from the outside. It seemed as if you were the only person who she allowed to see her so vulnerable. So soft.

So Loving.

Once you pulled away you looked up at her eyes but your hands remained on her cheeks, stroking her freckled face.

"I'll see you again." You breathed. "Don't do anything stupid 'till I do though, please." Your voice sounded desperate but you didn't care at that moment. She visibly hesitated at first and nothing came out her mouth for a while and at some point you were about to repeat yourself when she nodded.

You smiled again, letting go of her face but before you could walk off, she pulled your face into hers again. Her lips were soft against yours as your heads moved in sync. Your arms travelled involuntarily around her waist to deepen the kiss. She pulled away this time and smiled, letting you go to your brother and Sam.


Sam's sister was one of the kindest people on planet earth. Her son's were even sweeter. She let you sleep in the spare bedroom when she saw how tired you looked. She gave you spare clothes, fed you and let you take a shower. A knight in shining armour.

You slept for days on end. But soon it became almost boring to even sleep. You pushed your body off the bed and walked closer to the door, reaching for the handle as twisting it. Sam and Sarah were talking about something and the kids were playing on the rug by the TV. They both jumped up and rushed to hug you when they saw you.

"AUNTY (Y/N)!" One of then shouted.

"Can you play with us now or are you still hibernating?" The older one said making both you and Sam laugh.

"Yeah I can play with you now."

Sarah chuckled and turned to Sam. "Aren't you guys supposed to be out saving the world?"

Sam shook his head sarcastically. "I missed you guys. Plus (Y/N) needed a break with everything that happened. Bucky's out trying to find John right now so we'll be off your head in a couple of days." He smiled annoyingly at his sister. It reminded you of you and Bucky arguing sometimes.

"Sooo, you're waiting for a lead?"

"And the government stepped in and took control and kind of benched us,"

Your eyebrows rose. You didn't know that.

Sarah then called the boys over to give them their lunches before sending them out for school. You stood from your seat on the ground and walked closer to the pair. Sarah was cooking and Sam was rummaging through one of the drawers in the kitchen, claiming he was going to fix the boat.

"Can I help?" You asked, standing up and walking towards the pair. Sam raised an eyebrow at you, the sceptical look in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by you. "Oh, come on. You can't make me sleep forever," 

With a few more seconds of consideration, Sam nodded and ushered you outside with him. He didn't break his gaze from you, but you barely noticed, more focused on not squeezing something too much so it wouldn't break. With you newfound strength, you could bend metal with a gentle squeeze. It terrified you, but you knew you had everyone around you support you. 

"Hey, (Y/N)? A little help?" Sam's voice called you. You looked over your shoulder from where you were crouching to see him and a couple of his friends standing around a truck full of supplies. "You're the only one strong enough-"

You smiled, dropping the wrench you held in your palms onto the floor and standing up to walk closer to the men. They watched you as you picked up the heavy duty tool boxes off the pick up truck. Once you were done, you clapped your hands together and turned at the stunned looking people standing around. 

"You feeling o-"

"I'm fine, Sam." You chuckled. "You've asked me seven times within a minute," He laughed with you, shaking his head slightly as he looked down. 

"You know your brother would kill me if something happened to you."

You hummed, knowing how over protective of a brother Bucky had become since you got out the ice.

"What did you tell her?" 

You looked to your side, brows slightly furrowed as you tried to bite off the dry skin on your lips. 

"To Karli. She's been quiet, no attack in almost 4 days." 

You hummed, shrugging your shoulders slightly. "Nothing crazy- I don't know. Don't jinx it." 

He laughed, looking down at you as your lips turned into a smile itself. He was happy that you were happy, and you both knew that Bucky was just as glad as Sam was. 

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