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The door rattled violently when you slammed it behind you. Your feet carried you further into the room where the boys sat talking. With your brows furrowed, you quickly threw off the jacket you had on onto the sofa and made your way towards where Bucky stood, holding a glass filled with whiskey. 

"Speak of the devil," Zemo said, his infamous smirk plastered on his lips. 

"Shut the fuck up, Baron. Where were you when we needed you?" Your steps were long and quick, determined to reach Bucky as fast as you could. In a swift motion, you snatched the glass that was in his hand and downed the liquid inside. 

"Someone's angry?" Sam's eyebrow rose as he looked at you from the sofa he sat on. You looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Aren't you?" You slammed the glass back down, walking across to Zemo. "I need your credit card."

"Um- My card?"

"Yeah since basically the whole of Wakanda is after you, you won't need the money, right?" He exchanged glances with Bucky before slowly reaching towards his pocket, picking out a red, plastic card. His hand reached out, and you took the card off of him. 

You started walking back towards the exit. "Do- do you need the code or...?"

"No thanks I already know it," You smiled over your shoulder, grabbing your jacket on the way out. 

The quiet whispers of peoples conversations were the only thing audible when you stepped out into the cold. Even with the jacket wrapped around your shoulders you could feel the tingles the air caused you. This time it wasn't in your head. It was actually fucking cold. 

Pharmacy. That's what you needed to find. But by the looks of it, it wasn't anywhere near Zemo's house. You sighed, double checking you had Zemo's card in your pocket before beginning to walk through the streets. 

It felt like hours, but eventually you found some small corner shop pharmacy by a hospital. The smell of old people and cardboard immediately filled your nose as you pushed the door open. A old woman and a younger man were the only people in the building, along with the middle-aged man who was at the desk. 

You left with mountains of drugs. You bought more medication that you intended to do, but regret wasn't a feeling you felt. It's the least you could do, since Karli unnecessarily used medication, that was meant for her peers, on you. 

The plastic handle on the bag dug into the skin on your arms as you walked through the streets again. It was darker now, but light enough to see where you were going. You eventually reached the shelter, cold air nipping at your neck uncomfortably. 

You entered the camp for the third time that day, making your way to what you guessed was the infirmary. Two lady's, quite old looking, sat in the corner of the room talking absentmindedly until one of them noticed you looking around trying to examine the room. She came over with a kind smile on her face, asking if you were in any need of help. 

"Uh- no. Actually, I want to give this to you," You handed them the bag, smiling as you saw her eyes widen with shock. "Use it wisely." You put your lips into a line, awkwardly watching as they inspected each package before placing it into the correct cabinet. 

You hadn't interacted to anyone since you'd been out the ice apart. At least not this way. Apart from Karli you hadn't done anything kind for anyone in years, and vice versa. Nobody has been nice to you. Never thanked you for something, until today. 

You turned around to leave the women alone, not wanting them to feel watched. You nearly gasped when you almost bumped into someone.

"You said refills not a whole pharmacy," Karli laughed, crossing her arms over her chest. Her freckles were barely visible in the bad lighting, but her features were still clear as day. There was something about her, a warmth. The kind of warmth you'd crave when you were lonely, touch starved. Freezing

A chuckle escaped your lips as you shrugged. "It's the least I could do," 

She released the hold on her arms, letting them fall to her sides. Both of you started walking closer to the exit, the cold air around you now replaced with a comfort. A hospitality. One that you wish you could keep forever. 

"You really didn't have to-" She tried to say but with a wave of your hand, you dismissed whatever she was going to say. "You're annoying

"I'll take that as a complement." You smiled warmly at her as you reached closer to the door. She turned to you in order to say goodbye for the third time today. You looked at each other for a bit before she started to inch closer, you did the same until your faces were millimetres apart.

Her lips fell on top of yours gently, her hand cupping your cheek while yours rested on her waist. Her lips were so soft, just like they looked. You pulled away quickly but remained close to each other, savouring the moment you just had.

"Sorry," She whispered in your face.

"Don't be," You smirked, looking down at her lips and leaning in again, longing to feel the warmth of her lips on yours.


"Explain to me why you spent $400 on drugs?" Zemo asked as you threw his card onto the counter next to him.

"You're a billionaire. Is $400 worth of medicine really gonna effect the amount of money in your bank account? Or is your ego bruised because I did something nice with your money?"

You heard Zemo sigh.

"You gave that medicine to Karli didn't you?" Sam asked, already knowing the answer. You inhaled, trying to avoid the question. "We're supposed to be stopping Karli, not helping her,"

"I helped the people in the camp because she unnecessarily used her medicine to heal me," You explained.

"You're making friends with an enemy," Bucky warned. "You could of came here and I could of helped you-"

"I didn't want her to! Okay? I promised her we'd hurt John for killing her friend so I went back to inform her. It just kinda happened,"

"So that's where you ran off to,"

"Oh, my God," You groaned already sick of the lecture you're about to listen to. "You're my brother, Bucky. Not my dad,"

"And guess what?! Spoil sport our dad is dead! Making me your legal guardian-"

"Legal? We're both 100 years old, Bucky. We're fucking ancient. Look at us, 100 and I still look like a 18 year old! We defy the laws of biology! So don't treat me like a child."

"You're 100 but act like you're 10," He groaned under his breath.

"Shut up, Fossil,"

"Says you-"

"OKAY!" Sam interrupted, unamused with your childish behaviour. He stood from the sofa, walking closer to you and Zemo. "Maybe we should let (Y/N) befriend Karli. It'll be easier to persuade her not to go on with her plan later,"

You could hear Bucky huff in disagreement but he had no say in this. You nodded and so did Zemo. "Now you have to become best friends with Karli," Zemo smiled uncomfortably.

"I'd say I'm a step ahead but I think I'm 10 steps ahead of all of you,"

Sam seemed to get the memo, so did Zemo after a minute, only Bucky seemed clueless.

You sighed. "I need new clothes." You snatched the credit card from Zemo's hand again and walked outside heading towards where the clothing shops were supposed to be.

The thing about Riga, was that it was far from safe. People were hurt every day, murdered, slaughtered. You didn't think much of it until you felt a presence following you. There was the feeling of someone's eyes constantly on you but you chose to brush it off, walking through alleyways and small streets.

Everything happened so fast; your head felt heavy and before you knew it you were on the floor. Blood dripped down your forehead while the person who threw a rock at your head picked you up and dragged you somewhere into a building. Your consciousness wavered continuously and you felt your nose bleed coming from a mile away.

Your eyes shut, and all you saw was black.

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