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You walked with the two men while Sam spoke quickly to whoever he was on the phone with, probably his sister. He hung up and started explaining his worry.

"Karli called Sarah. She threatened my nephews. She left a contact number. She wants to meet us."

The three of you rushed to the location Karli sent you which ended up being one of the camps she stayed at. You exchanged a few words after Sam furiously scowled at her for calling his sister and threatening them.

Sharon's voice sounded through Sam's ear piece and your brows furrowed. You thought Bucky told Sam not to contact Sharon anymore?

"It's Walker," He turned to you and Bucky. "I'll send you the location. Go. You stay with her." He pointed to you then Karli. Nodding, you saw the two of them take off.

"I didn't know John would explode like tha-"

"I know," she cut you off before letting silence swallow the air around you. Your gaze didn't leave hers as you sighed, leaning against the edge of the building. 

It was hard to keep your eyes off of her. Her curls hung off her head, flowing in the winds that rudely blew into your face. The freckles on her face were prominent in the sun's rays. In conclusion, she was really pretty. 

"I wanna see what this is about. You coming?" You asked Karli after a while, making her smirk and nod, leading you to where she thought the fight was going to happen. To your luck, she was right and you both ended up in the middle of the room. You fighting against one of Karli's friends And Karli against yours.

Time stopped when you heard a deafening sound of bones breaking. Everyone stopped throwing punches and stared at Lemar's unmoving body. Despite your continuous hatred for the new Captain America, you would of lied if said you didn't feel remorse. They were clearly close friends and now John kneeled beside his best friends dead body.

You looked to the side, noticing how Karli looked once she took off her mask. She locked eyes with you, terror spiralling in her pupils like a hurricane ready to destroy everything in their way. She breathed heavily, eyes wide as she looked at you.

You side glanced to the door, cocking your head towards it, mouthing; "Go". She didn't hesitate to make a run for it. Her frame soon disappeared in the shadows of the doorway.

John cracked his neck, then suddenly jumped up and ran towards the window, breaking right through it as he jumped. Your feet carried your body to the outside on impulse. Sam and Bucky did the same after realising what had happened.

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