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"What the hell Cameron? He did nothing!" I sat on the floor curled in a ball in the huge office. "Where the hell have you been, and why were you with him?" He paced the room in front of me.

He stopped in front of me and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm going to give you my laptop and you are going to answer my questions." I ignored his question and he stood up and handed me a laptop. "Now where were you?" I typed for a second. "'Out' doesn't qualify as an answer. Where were you?"

'Can't tell you that.' I typed.

"And why not?"

'Because you'll be killed.'

"I can handle myself Cam." I shook my head making it spin for a split second. "Now tell me why the hell did you kill Victor?"

'You'll kill me if I tell you.'

"I wouldn't kill you if my life depended on it."

'Then I'd kill myself.'

"What is so important that you can't tell me?"

'A lot of things.' I typed and turned the screen to him.

"Cameron please-"

'My names not Cameron, its Gale.' I typed.

I'm sick of hiding in the shadows.

"What else are you hiding from me Cam- I mean Gale?"

I shook my head and put it in my hands. I can't do this.

"Gale look at me." My breathing became shaky and I shook my head in protest holding back the tears. "Gale look me in the eyes and understand what I'm about to tell you." He picked up my chin in his hands making me wince the last time he hit me coming to mind.

"Gale I am in love with you. And I can't let you go. I'm sorry." Before I could ask anything his canines extended and plunged into the side of my neck.

I let out an inaudible scream and my body limped under his heavy frame. The tears fled down my face as I tried to move away without any success. "Baby, I'm sorry please." I doubled over on my side crying and clutching my stomach with my right hand and my left hand over the still bleeding bite mark.

"Cameron please."

That's not my fucking name.

"Your burning up." He said sliding a hand under my body. "Cameron when was the last time you went into heat?" I don't fucking remember.

He picked me up and placed me on a plush couch. "Stay with me Cam." he shook me trying to keep open my eyes. "The doctor is on his way Cameron just hold on." I shut my eyes and drifted off.

Fuck him.

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