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(Sorry for the late chapter)
I wasn't sure how to face the gang. I haven't seen them in three days. I was again at the tree, with my legs to my chest. Only this time I wasn't crying. I couldn't cry anymore; I've already give all my tears.
(Tuff starts crying in the background. Sorry had to make that reference lol)
I heard a dragon land but didn't have to guts to turn to see them. I could already tell by the footsteps. It was my father... great.
He sat down next to me in silence, before placing a hand on my back.
"Hiccup told me."
I muttered,
"I'm not mad."
He said after a minute.
"How much did he tell you?"
"Everything you told him."
I sighed again and kept my head turned away.
"Just answer me this. Why?"
When he asked that it wasn't out of spite, or anger. Just out of curiosity.
I finally turned to look him in the eyes.
"I don't know. Maybe it was the way he treated me. He treated me with such love and respect. At first I thought he just fu-"
I stopped myself from continuing that word.
"Faked being in love with him. But as time progressed I knew it was real. He was so funny, and nice. He showed me sides he's never shown anyone before. How he is goofy, and know how to make you laugh when your sad. How to make you happy when your feeling depressed. He held me through nights I didn't think I could go on."
I saw my dad with a light smile on his face.
I asked,
"That was exactly how I felt when I was with your mother."
"Yeah. She made me feel like I could hold the whole world in just the palm of my hand."
"How did you- Um Cope when you lost her."
"Well I had you and your brother. But mostly I understood her presents. I felt like she was with me."
"What if moms alive?"
"I doubt it."
"Humor me. How would you know those feelings are true."
"How I'd imagine if the feeling is there it's like heart strings. Letting me know that she's still cheering me on or something of that sort."
I let out a small laughed.
"Do you really think I would've betrayed them?"
"No I don't. When people get comfortable with one another things can slip. They where just worried that maybe something did slip and could've given them information."
"I watched every word I said with him."
"I know. But no one thought you'd betray anyone."
"They sure made me feel like it."
I hugged my knees tighter to my chest.
"Are you ready to go back?"
I shook my head no and laid my head on my knees.
"Why not?"
"They hate me."
"No. No they don't."
"Yes they do! No ones going to trust me again!"
I shouted, my voice cracking. My body threatening to cry even though I couldn't.
"No they don't. Listen to me Yn. Just come back. Get some food, water, and sleep."
I looked over at D/n. He hasn't left my side since and he probably was starving. I nodded.
He stood and helped me up. When he grabbed my arm and flinched.
"What is that."
He tilted my arm and saw the burn.
"We have to get that cleaned up too."
I nodded again and mounted on D/n.
We took off and flew towards the base. When we landed the team was all gathered together.
I swallowed hard before getting off of D/n. Hiccup quickly ran wrapping his arms around me.
"You can't do that Yn!"
He pulled away and placed his hands on my cheeks.
"You can't just run off like that. You scared me."
He said,
"I know."
I said, he hugged me again and sighed in relief.
"Where did you go? We looked everywhere for you."
Astrid asked. I was sitting on the bar with a cup of water; while Fishlegs was was looking at my arm.
"I have a secret spot on the island."
I said, I placed a hand on D/n cold/warm scales. He looked up at me with a mouth full of food and I smiled.
"I just had to get away,Ya know? Things where just getting crazy and I had to gather my thoughts."
"I-I'm um going to get sleep. I haven't had any."
"Do you want one of us to walk you there."
"No. I-I have D/n."
I leaned on my dragon and he helped me to my hut. I opened my door and flopped on the bed.
"Better than the grass."
I said, D/n laid his head in my lap. I stormed his scales;while staring at the ceiling.
"What am I going to do now?"
Word count: 834
A/n: y'all I just discovered something.
Viggo means lightning. Lightning is a Skrill's element. 😅

(There's actually a difference between Viggo and Viggó

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(There's actually a difference between Viggo and Viggó. But thought I'd be funny to add)

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