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That was an insane thought. Johann was a sweet man. I shook my head getting back to the reality.
Once I landed I wasn't able to eat. I had thrown up my lunch previously that day.
I waved to Heather as she left and went back to walking. I stuffed my hands in my pockets;waking down the docks.
I didn't know where I was going but I kept going.
Sticks snapped softly under my feet after every step. It got annoying so I did my best to step over or around them. I heard a ruckus in the bushes so I hid.
The man let out a grunt that I immediately recognized.
Viggo stepped out of the bushes brushing off his clothes.
I got my daggers ready. I waited for another man to come out.
None came.
"Damn this island."
I heard him mutter.
I put my daggers in there holsters; then pulled out my bow and arrows.
I took a step out form where I was hiding.
Bow strong drawn.
"Don't darling me Viggo. What are you doing here? Getting a map of the Edge?"
"No. Please, can we talk?"
"You can talk. No promises I'll listen."
"Your going to want to. What I have to say can save your life,all of your friends, and allies lives.
"Sit and speak."
He sat down and I walked to him. I put my bow down and pulled out my dagger.
I leaned over him, not breaking eye contact.
His scent filled my nose. I wanted nothing more than to be planted on his lap: kissing, holding and hugging him.
I kept my expression firm and loveless. I grabbed his knives from his belt and boots.
I stepped away picking up my bow again. I didn't fully draw the string.
"Talk. Time is of the essence."
I said mimicking him.
He let out a soft chuckle.
"There's a traitor."
I frowned.
"Not among your friends."
He said to ease me.
I relaxed my shoulders slightly. My heart quit tightening as much.
"The traitor is one of your Allies."
"Viggo is this another one of your games? A trick to get us to turn on each other. Corrupt us on the inside so the Dragon Flyers and Krogan can take us down easily?"
"No darling. Every thing I tell you is the truth."
"Your a Fox Viggo. How can I believe a word you say?"
He stood up, and walked to me. Not in a treating way.
I aimed my bow at him.
"Viggo. Stop."
His movements where gentle, his eyes soft.
I couldn't even take a step back.
He placed a soft hand on my wrist angling it down. He placed his second hand atop my fingers that held the string. I stared into his brown eyes as I gently put the bow to rest. He rubbed up my arm and I dropped the weapon.
His hand rested on my waist stroking soft circles. His other hand moved from my arm to my hair.
"Your just as beautiful as when I first saw you."
He whispered, my lip quivered softly; I swear my heart was going to beat out of my chest.
"Viggo- the traitor?"
I whispered. He stayed quiet.
"Do you know who the traitor is."
I whisper agin.
He nodded softly.
I placed both of my hands on his cheeks.
"Tell me. Please."
He stayed quiet for a moment.
I stumbled back softly. We both lost balance. My back hit the bolder and Viggo pinned himself above me.
His hand still on my waist.
"Johann has been working with Krogan."
"My brother is with him."
Viggo said.
"Johann and my brother are together! With no one!"
"You have to get to him. Johann is stronger than you think. He's manipulative, and shows no mercy."
Viggo pushed off the rock. To let me go.
"How can I trust you?"
I breathed out.
He cupped my face and brought his lips to mine. I gasped softly but kissed back.
The kiss was one we both had been longing for. He pulled away and rested his head on mine.
"I trust you about Johann. But I can't trust you to stay here alone."
I took his hand and pulled him with me.
His fingers intwined with mine. We made it back to the huts and I pushed him into the shadows.
He lifted my sleeve slightly seeing the scar. When I looked at him... the expression painted on his face.
It's ok, Was all I managed to say.
I dragged him into the stables and opened D/n cage.
"Come on boy."
I sat on my Saddle and pulled Viggo up.
"Stay down."
He did as I asked and we took off. Once we where far enough from the edge he sat up.
I landed on the edge of the Northern market to let Viggo off.
"Stay out of trouble. I'll come get you when I can."
He nodded, but before D/n could take off he grabbed my hand.
"Be carful."
He said kissing my hand.
He let me go and we took off.
I searched and searched but didn't see them.
I looked through the marked form the air and Found Ruff and Tuff.
D/n quickly landed and I hopped off.
"Guys! Where's my brother?!"
"Him and Johann went to get the jewels for the dragon eye."
"We have to go! Mount up."
"I'm not going anywhere with her."
Tuff said,
"You and your sister can fight when my brother is safe again! Let's go."
I shouted and I took for the air, giving them little time to fallow.
Dispute them being idiots they where good riders; so they caught up pretty quickly.
We flew to where the Sandbuster was. We stayed in the air listening.
The twins knew the situation so they where serious.
It was weird but it worked.
We waited.
That's when I heard it.
A plasma blast.
But it wasn't muffled so that ment there had to be an opening.
We landed on the grass so we wouldn't bother the Sandbuster.
I went through the trees and found an opening.
"You two stay here. I don't know how well a zippleback would fit in such a crocuses area. I also need you tow to stand guard."
They both nodded and I went down the hatch.
I stalked quickly through the tunnel hearing Johanns voice.
I thought I went unnoticed but a dagger flew past my head.
I dropped to my knees then looked up.
"Young Yn. Have you come to join the party?"
Daggers fell from my sleeves and I through them towards Johann.
"Ah yes. Thank you for that little gift."
He rolled up his sleeve revealing the dagger holder I had given him. It was a holster that allowed you to have multiple daggers, hidden, and available to get your hands on quickly.
"I thought we where close Johann! I've known you my whole life!"
"I've been trampled on by every Viking! Treated like garbage. But I was respected by I young child. Why?"
"Because I looked up to you. At least I thought that's what it was. Now I know it was Pitty."
I spit at him and before he could react The Sandbuster roared.
Toothless shot at him again, and again.
He repeated till the Sandbuster crawled through a tunnel and Toothless locked him in.
"Good job bud."
Hiccup said and I pet Toothlesses side.
He looked to me.
"What about Johann?"
He repeated the name softly and Toothless growled.
"Now's not the time bud."
Hiccup mounted onto Toothless and helped me up onto him.
A traitor.
No one would have suspected. That's why he made the perfect dragon hunter.
Word count:1323
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and for you people in High school/ collage I hope finals went well!

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