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I opened my eyes and looked around my room. It was duller. Like when you move out of childhood and everything was no longer bright, nor exciting.
I got up out of bed and walked around my room before actually leaving.
The Edge was quiet, even Ruff Tuff and Snotlout were quiet.
I sighed and walked to our meeting hut.
"Hey N/n. H-how are you feeling?"
Tuff asked, he had one of those forced smiles.
I sighed and shrugged.
I plopped down in a chair and fiddled with the fork. It had been nearly a month since the Whole Viggo thing, and I was staying in a stage of depression.
Tuff did a small groan and looked to the opening. The rest of the gangs heads where poked out seeing if there plan had worked.
He shrugged and Hiccup did a 'continue' motion.
"Y-ya know Yn-"
"Drop it Tuff. I appreciate what y'all are trying to do but please drop it."
"We just want to make you happy again."
"And I appreciate it. But that may come in time; just not now."
I heard the whole gang sigh and come around the corner.
"Sorry sis. We just want you to smile again."
"I do to but not right now ok?"
They looked down thinking.
"However you can try again in another hour or two."
I said, the looked up and smiled, I gave off a small one and continued playing with the fork.
Viggo's POV
Month earlier
I walked towards the woods where I saw her fly off to. My body hurt but I just had to see her again. When I finally found her she was crying. My heart ached, all I wanted to do was go over there and hold her.
"Why'd you have to try so hard for the dragon eye my love?"
I heard her mutter
"Was I not enough? Was I not worth more than the dragon eye?"
"No darling."
I whispered to myself, my fingers reached for her. I wanted to caress her cheek and tell her everything was going to be alright.
She pulled he knees to her chest and cried.
"Why'd you have to leave me Viggo!"
She screamed, and her sobs got harder.
Her crying made my own tears fall from my eyes.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart."
I said softly, I backed away from the tree and walked away.
Maybe it was for the best, maybe this is how we're supposed to part.
The chances of us getting a life together was slim and it would cause her even more pain, maybe this is what the gods wanted. Maybe just maybe this is how there saving us both more heartbreak.
(Still Viggo Pov but this is during Dawn of Distraction near the end)
I stood next to Krogan and looked at the Singtails flying around.
"Which hut calls to me?"
His gaze landed on my loves hut which angered me for a moment. Then he shrugged and turned to Snotlout's hut I think is his name.
"Ah yes. S for supreme leader."
He said under his breath. I softly rolled my eyes then looked at her hut.
I opened the door and her smell filled my senses. I ran a hand across her blanket. I picked it up and smelled it. I missed her, the way she fit in my arms, her smell,
her glorious taste, and those sweet lips.
My fingers trails across the texture of the blanket once more, then I moved to the pillow.
There was a strand of her hair still on it.
That beautiful strand of H/c hair.
I held it to my chest and cried.
The tears rolled down my cheeks like a River. I was an idiot to cause her pain. Especially the pain of thinking I didn't love her. That was far from the truth.
I would give anything to make her happy, I placed a hand over my mouth to keep quiet. The way I could keep her safe was to stay strong. If Krogan, Johann or anyone else knew of my feeling for that gorgeous woman, they'd use her as leverage.
I closed my eyes tightly and opened them again after a moment;turning off all emotions.
I stood and placed the pillow and blanket how she had them: then straightened myself up.
I prayed to Odin that she'd be ok.
I have to be that emotionless man that everyone makes me out to be... for her safety.
I hope that someday I can get out of this life style and be with her.
Forever and always.
Word count:774
Love y'all! ❤️

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