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I jolted awake, breaking out in cold sweat.
I was gonna puke.
I rolled out of bed hitting the floor; then hurried to the bathing room.
I leaned over the bucket and started puking my guts out. I groaned at the burn in my throat.
I gripped the sides of the bucket; trying to contain the sounds of my retching.
I had been in here for at least fifteen minutes. Waiting.
Waiting for myself to calm down.
Panting, I braced myself over the bucket.
I focused on my breathing. Pacing each breath.
In. Hold.Out. In. Hold.Out.
Repeating this my breath finally came back to me.
When it seemed like I was done heaving, I eased from the bucket- but didn't go far.
Jut bracing myself on the wall, near the open window.
The morning colors painted the sky. I leaned my head against the wall, flattening my hands against the wooden floor.
I curled my knees to my chest.
Just a dream.
Just a dream.
I mouthed those words over and over until I released my grip on my legs.
I didn't realize I had grabbed my legs until I felt my nails dig in.
I closed my eyes but shot them open after seeing Viggo on the floor.
Hiccup knocked on the closed door.
"Breakfast is ready."
"I'll be down in a second."
"Um are you ok in there?"
"Yeah. Just. Had too much to drink last night."
I listened and after a second his footsteps became distant.
My chest was clenching, and not releasing.
I stood up and wiped off my face.
I splashed water to make myself look sorta refreshed;and looked at myself in the mirror.
"I look like shit,"
I muttered, then patted my face dry.
I brushed my hair and took it out of the bun, putting it in a braid.
I couldn't take a bite of food, so I just moved it around like I was going to eat.
Don't get me wrong, it smelt amazing.
I just couldn't stomach anything right now.
"So. What do you two think about Asger"
"He's a good guy."
Hiccup said,
"I don't know him."
I said,
"You met him last night."
I placed my fork down.
"Do you want me to tell you what Impression I got of him? I mean I can."
Hiccup cleared his throat looking down at his plate.
"What happened last night?"
Dad asked,
"Nothing. Why do you ask?"
I said, I had picked up my fork moving my food around again.
"Well something had to happen. Your not touching your food-"
I stabbed a potato and touched it with my finger.
Dad gripped his knife.
"Yn. I'm trying not to raise my voice at you. I know your not feeling yourself. But you need to quit being a smart-ass."
"Why didn't Egil come to the meeting this time?"
Hiccup asked,
"He's dying."
"How long dose he have."
I muttered,
"Hard to say. But what Asgar told me it's not long."
I nodded softly.
"Maybe we should stop by and show our respects. And maybe he can learn a few things from you dad."
Hiccup said,
"Yes. Seeing as you all have left Berk you can make an official alliance."
"I thought we already had one with them?"
"You do. You are still of Berk. But it's a good thing for Asger to approve. It may give him more confidence."
I laughed softly.
"How much more confidence dose that man need?
He hand nearly every woman swooned or on his lap all night."
"I meant in the Trusting way. The dragon rides making an entrance may spark his confidence in his Allies. And maybe you can teach them to ride."
"We'll have to see. Because I don't know how much 'confidence' I have in them."
He sighed,
"I wish you liked him."
Dad muttered,
I asked,
"Because me and Egil where talking about combining our tribes. Through marriage."
"Ok yeah. We're done here."
I stood up from the table.
"Yn. It was just a suggestion. It may help with the Viggo situation."
"And what situation is that?"
"Well. Him being a Dragon hunter and other stuff."
He rubbed behind his neck.
"Dad let me see if I can say this in a way you'll understand. Asking me to get an arranged marriage to Asger is like me asking you to get us a new mom. When Hiccup asked you why we don't get another one you said: 'I don't want another.
Your mom was the only woman for me. She was the love of my life."
I put a finger on my chest.
"I don't want another man. I want him."
My eyes watered.
My voice cracked.
"And. I can't have him. And it hurts. It feels like my heart is being pulled out and stomped on. When I'm with him I feel so. So full. But my heart can't except that I can't have him."
I looked away not wanting the tears to fall. So I wiped my cheeks and walked out.
Word count:892
A/n: I just want y'all to know for the rest of this book and into the 2nd; y'all trust the process.
That's all I can say without spoilers lol.
And would y'all like a sneak peek to the 2nd book cover?

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