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For the past few weeks I had the same dream.
I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep.
I opened the bathing room door in my hut.
I rubbed up my face and looked in my mirror.
My shirt was baggy.
I pulled up my shirt and looked at my stomach.
I turned slightly running a hand up. Feeling my ribs.
I drop my shirt then looked at my cheekbones.
I would try to eat today.
Maybe my body is ready.
The hut door opened and I saw Chicken.
"Hey girl."
I said, I walked past her and to the main hut.
"Here Yn."
Hiccup tossed me my Sigrid surcoat dress.
"What's this for?"
"We're going to Mana."
"Because dad wanted to go give our respects to Egil. He got a letter regarding his health."
"Alright. Do you mind saddling up D/n for me?"
"Sure thing."
Nevet Mind on eating.
Walking back to my hut then changing gave me time to think.
'Egil. Dying? He was supposed to have a couple more months.'
I finished getting the dress on and walked out. Mounted onto D/n and we flew.
"When we get there. I want everyone on their best behavior when we arrive. Mana is going through a changing of chief. So there going to be ...different."
We landed right on the outskirts of the town.
Asger requested that we walk through on foot.
We met up with dad, and Gobber.
Asger was waiting for us at the entrance.
"Good to see you boy."
Gobber said and shook hands with him.
"Good to see you too."
Both dad and Gobber walked past him.
"Ah. They lovely Yn Haddok,"
He took my hand and kissed it.
I greeted and pulled my hand away from his.
He chuckled as I walked past him.
Asger took a seat by me as we all spoke.
"Asger. How will we know if your going to betray us after your father passes?"
"Please. Excuse my daughter. The dragon riders have been on edge after recent events; regarding a traitor."
"Ah yes. Johann. Correct?"
He took our silence as a yes.
"After we heard what happened I thought best to cut trades."
"Huh, so you are smarter than you look."
He looked at me with a smirk.
"Darling~ I'm smarter in ways that you have no idea."
I stood resting my palms on the table, getting face to face with him.
"Really? Then why are you so thick in the head?"
I asked flicking his forehead.
"I'm thicker in other places too."
He whispered,  my eyes widened slightly and my face turned red.
He chuckled and pulled away from me.
I sat back down crossing my legs at the heat between my thighs.
'What? No. Stop.'
I told myself after realizing.
'You've just been deprived. Yes. That's right.'
The rest of the meeting I just talked myself down from my small arousal.
Yet again. I had a mug of mead in my hand and watching people dance.
But Astrid came over to me with paint and sat down.
"What are you doing?"
I laughed as she dipped the brush in the paint.
"I'm gonna paint your face."
"Oh lovely."
I had no idea what she had painted but I trusted her.
After she finished with my face she painted the Berk symbol on my hand.
"Your good to go."
"Oh don't sound too happy."
"I'm ecstatic."
We both laughed.
"Alright. Im going to dance with Hiccup. You should go find someone to dance with."
"I might just drink myself into next week."
She laughed.
"Ok then."
I sat alone for a long while. My legs where starting to go numb so I got up.
I decided to go look around.
The town was beautiful. But the outskirts of it was even better.
I walked through the trees. The smell of nature relaxed me.
But I wasn't relaxed for long. I heard a stick snap behind me. I groaned thinking it was Asger, but when I turned I was met with two new faces.
"Damn. You really are beautiful,"
One man said,
"Look what do you want? Private flying lessons?"
I asked sarcastically.
The second male circles around and was behind me. I twirled to face him.
His voice was smooth and deep. I backed up but hit the other man's chest.
"Look I'm not interested."
"But we are."
"I said no."
"There you are. I've been looking for you."
That voice. Asger.
"Fellas. What's going on here."
"Just having fun with a dragon rider."
"Yn. Yes. She's lovely. But thank you for finding her for me."
He walked over to us; the men backed away, and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Enjoy the ceremony."
He then dismissed the males.
They didn't think once before scattering.
I let his arm stay around my shoulder till I saw the men leave, then I shrugged it off.
"Thank you."
I said, I straightened my dress then looked up at him.
"No problem darling~"
He lifted my chin but I pushed his hand away.
"Don't call me darling."
"You responded to the name so we'll though. Maybe we could sneak off somewhere. I can show you one hell of a time."
"I would prefer not to."
"Then why did you cross your legs in the meeting? You where moving around quite a lot."
"Because I was thinking of my lover."
"Ah that's what it is."
He chuckled,
"It's true then."
"What do you mean."
"Your in love with Viggo Grimborn."
I backed away until my back got the tree. He pinned his arm above me.
That's when I noticed he was shirtless.
I blushed and looked away.
"I thought it was just a rumor. Or a joke for a laugh."
"And its not."
"He goes against everything we stand for."
There was no cocky smile painted on his face.
"We protect the dragons. We give them a sanctuary. I don't need some girl who can't keep her fantasies under control ruining it."
"First off. I protect the dragons too.Secondly. Im not 'some girl' and third. It's not some fantasy. Im in love with him. I have never given him any information regarding our secrets."
He opened his mouth to say something but I shoved him.
"I am the daughter of Stoick the Vast. The second born child. I will not be beaten down by 'some man' who thinks he's better than everyone else."
I shouted, we where again face to face.
"I will say this only once. Leave me alone."
"You do the same."
He said.
There wasn't a sparkle in his eye, only a fury.
I turned heel and walked away.
My nails digging into my palms.
Word count: 1138

A Forbidden Love (Viggo Grimborn x reader) {Slow Updates}Where stories live. Discover now