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I smiled at Heather.
"Where's my dragon!"
"I will need to see the lens first."
She reached down and picked up a dragon eye lens from her belt.
I started to grip the bars.
'How did we not notice before?'
"Now show me her or this goes into the ocean."
He let out a sarcastic laugh.
"You wouldn't"
"Try me."
They stared at each other for a long moment before he snapped his fingers and a dragon picked up the cadge.
They flew us from the hill and had dropped us next to Krogan.
Do to this being a dragon cage maybe I could sneak out. Maybe I could wiggle my way out. I started walking backwards but I stepped on a key.
Viggo had probably slipped it in. He knew something.
Before I could call her name she had made the trade. Krogan smiled, waved, then knocked us over the edge.
I stuck the key in my pocket then held onto WindShear.
We hit the water and started sinking fast. I let go of her and grabbed the key. Heather dove in after us and was swimming downwards.
She tried to unlock it and the key was too small.
She started acting frantically.
I swam by WindShear and placed a hand on Heathers.
I showed her the key and she tried it.
The door didn't unlock.
Viggo had given me the wrong key.
My eyes widened for a moment and she started pulling at the doors; and I started kicking.
It wouldn't budge.
We where running out of breath. We couldn't make it without help.
Then like a miracle A dragon grabbed onto the chair.
The three of us looked up and it was Dagger.
I smiled softly and his dragon started swimming towards the top.
When we got out of the water Toothless had blasted off the lock.
I jumped out and onto D/n.
"Miss me?"
I asked petting his side.
"Are you two ok?"
"We're fine.-"
I nodded,
"But he took my dragon eye lens."
"Your what?!"
"Hiccup we can still catch them!"
"Your right. Let's go!"
We flew upward gaining altitude so we can hopefully get a Surprise attack.
We started tossing the lens to each other. Fishlegs dropped the lens for Snotlout.
I frowned when Johann reached to grab it. But it was the way he tried to grab it. Like he was trying to purposely hit Snotlouts hand. I no time to think on that and went after Krogan.
I was almost close enough to jump on his back but the Singtail tired with its tail.
D/n dropped causing us to miss the flame.
My legs dangled off the ledge. The wind blew, and for the first time in a long while I was relaxed.
Looked at the clouds that where different colors. Mixed of pink, purple, orange, and yellow.
The wind was cold which felt perfect against the skin.
I looked at a letter that was in my hand. Viggo had slipped it to me.
I had this fear. A fear of a world without him. I had lost him once and it felt horrible.
It felt like a hole was in my heart.
I had a fear of being alone and that's all I had felt for these past few months.
I wished he could sneak here and see me, to hold me and kiss me. I wanted him.
"Hey Yn."
Tuffnut ran over to me.
"You have to try this!"
"What is t-mph"
Tuff stuffed the food in my mouth.
"It's good isn't it!"
It was an odd taste but sustainable.
"What is that?"
"Clouds of corn."
I frowned but chose it wise not to say anything.
If you even try to argue it was like arguing with a wall.
"Good name..."
"I know right! We need to go find Yak butter!"
And with that he was off
I let a small laugh leave my lips and I sighed.
My head was loud with multiple voices shouting.
I wondered if me and Viggo would even last to be a thing.
How would it work? Why dose it feel like we're drifting?
The answer to that lsat question is because we where. Me and Viggo where drifting. His team up with Krogan took a huge toll on our relationship.
I was being an idiot.
I called for my dragon and slid off the edge.
D/n caught me after a few moments and we flew.
This was my true happy place. The wind hitting my face, and feeling free.
What if I just kidnapped Viggo and we flew off to enjoy our life.
Not the worst idea.
I finally opened my eyes. The Sky reflected on the ocean. The ocean painted with colors of sunset.
Johann then came to mind.
What was up with him?
He was acting off these past months.
He was more 'clumsy' and got more 'miss information'.
He has been leading us to more dead ends.
What if he's working for Krogan?
No that's crazy talk.
Johann could never betray us. Berk has been his hotspot for trading since before I was born.
There was no way he could.
He was too sweet. Too Naive.
He wouldn't do that to us
Word count:894
Sorry for the short chapter! Writes block sucks!
Hope y'all enjoyed it❤️
Not edited!

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