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I slammed myself against the wood bars and groaned in pain. Sweat dripped down my face and I gripped the bars tightly. Stuck in a cell I helped make.
I screamed,
"Fishlegs! Snotlout! Somebody let me out! Please! I just want out!"
I screamed again, tears mixed with sweat.
"I want out! Please!"
Fishlegs walked into the stables and I looked up.
"Fishlegs! Please! Please, let me out."
"I want to N/n. But I can't. I would never forgive myself if you went out and did something reckless."
He looked down at his hands; which held a bowl with food, and a cup of water.
"Here's some breakfast."
He handed it to me through the bars. I stood up and took a step back. My eyes were glassy with tears.
His name rang through my head. I yelled something before throwing the food and water. The wooden cup bounced off the floor and rolled out of the pin.
I dropped to my knees and wrapped my arms around myself sobbing.
"I'm going to kill them! I'm going to kill all of them!"
I was going crazy. Losing him, and being locked in here. It was driving me insane.
That was all Fishlegs said before walking away. I stood up again and rested myself on the bars.
I looked up and saw dad. He frowned at the state I was in.
"Oh, Y/n-"
He opened the pin and hugged me.
"I can't do this again dad. I- I can't lose him again."
He stroked my hair and just held me. He let me cry and just listened to the sobbing rambles. When I finally looked up I saw Hiccup. He was holding something back like he wanted to tell me something. I stepped out of my father's grip and walked towards Hiccup.
"Y/n. I'm so sorry."
"For what? Viggo dying or me in pain?"
"I don't believe you. If I wasn't in love with him you wouldn't be sorry. You're glad he's gone because you don't want to deal with him."
"No, Y/n... Viggo is- was a good man."
Was... was
"He could be alive if you didn't hold me back. If you would've let me save him, he would still be alive."
"Y/n, you're my sister. I wasn't going to let you risk your life."
He said softly,
I said and walked past him.
He put a hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it off.
I turned to look at him.
"Just don't."
3rd person POV
Viggo walked to the man Azim had pinned down.
The man only chuckled at the sight of Viggo.
"Damn Grimborn. You're still alive? I never thought you, out of all people would be 'friends' with dragons."
"I've changed Elex. We don't need to hunt dragons. They have souls too. They're not just spinless lizards."
Elex chuckled,
"You've been hanging around those dragon riders too much."
Viggo remained silent.
"Was it you or Ryker who loved that Haddock girl?"
Again silent.
"I assume it was you, due to lack of speaking. Not to mention Ryker was never a loving type. That brute would never get a woman.-"
The man sighed.
"Doesn't help that he's dead. I heard that you had something to do with it. Why?"
"He threatened the woman I loved."
"Ah, so does she know where you're at? What you're doing?"
Viggo clenched his fist tighter. Then it dawned on Elex.
"She still thinks your dead. Doesn't she?"
The man chuckled at Viggo's silence yet again.
"You cruel man."
"I did it to protect her."
"Are you trying to convince me? Or are you trying to convince yourself?"
Word count:631

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