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After getting a letter from Viggo after the Armorwing incident, I haven't heard from him since. It had been months and i'd been getting anxious.
I sat at my desk reading over the three-page letter he had sent. Breaking down every sentence, every word.
Looking for anything that was a secret message. I had been doing this constantly for the past few weeks.
I even went to the extent of asking Fishlegs, Heather, Astrid, and my brother for help. Sure it was awkward for them to read a letter sent to me by my lover, but it wasn't like it was anything spicy. 
I was just so worried that I needed extra eyes to decipher the letter. A knock at my door broke my concentration.
I groaned and tossed my pencil across my desk. "Come in."
The door opened and Fishlegs walked in.
"Sorry to bother you N/n, but there's a letter from your father."
"Alright. I'll be right there."
He nodded and left. I looked at the paper I had written notes on and the broken charcoal pencil.
The charcoal pieces had smudged some of the writing. 
I let out a loud groan, stood up, my chair fell over as I did so, and I swept all the papers off the table. I slammed my palms on the empty table, letting my hair fall in my face.
I steadied my breathing before pushing my long/short hair out of my face. After regaining composure I walked towards the main hut.
I stepped into the hut and waited patiently for my brother.
"Any progress?"
Astrid asked, hoping to break the tension.
"N/n maybe the letter is nothing."
"I know it's nothing. I'm just giving myself false hope to keep composure."
"Don't kill yourself over this Y/n. If we need to, we can go on a mission."
"And what? Let the dragon hunters see us? Risk getting caught?"
Hiccup walked in before Astrid could finish what she was saying. I looked at her, smiled a little, then walked to Hiccup.
"This is where my dad found the Dragon Eye lens."
"And he wants you to come alone. Without Y/n. Doesn't that seem kind of weird?"
"I don't care what he says. I'm coming with you."
Hiccup opened his mouth but Snotlout interrupted after shouting 'I said no and I mean it.'
Fallowed by Ruff and Tuff
"But please! We need a witness for our record."
"Yeah, if no one is around to see us perform these amazing records, do they actually happen?"
"Good point"
Tuff said,
"Oh my Thor! Listen, I got better things to do Than waste my precious time watching you two muttonheads goof off."
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
"Uh... I have to go. Bye"
"Can I get a witness? Can I? Please?"
When they stormed out, I let out a small chuckle.
"Look if my dad has found a lens, I have to investigate."
I followed him out along with Astrid and Fishlegs.
"But somethings off. It's not like Stoick to be this cryptic. Maybe I should go with you."
"No my dad said I have to go alone, so that's what we're going to do."
I mounted onto D/n waiting for Hiccup.
"Astrid, don't worry. I'll be careful"
He turned and saw me.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"I told you. I'm going with you."
"I won't hear it Hiccup. Dad can stand to see me along with you."
Deep down I knew something was off so that was another reason.
"See Astrid. I've got back up."
He said with a sigh.
"You two be careful."
"Will do."
I said and took off followed by my bother.
We landed just as the sun had set. We both had the same feeling about this but remained quiet in order not to worry each other.
I admit I was watching Hiccup like a hawk, and I knew he was doing the same for me. We wandered into a small clearing and saw a Maces and Talons figure. Toothless started snarling and growling, but D/n stayed silent. In fact, his tail started to wag slightly.
That must mean-
"The Accomplice.-"
Viggo walked out from behind a tree.
"One of the most important pieces in all of Maces and Talons, allowing a player to use an opponent's piece for their own ends."
Toothless got in position for an attack if Hiccup commanded or if he felt too threatened. But D/n he looked to Toothless snarling softly.
"You can certainly win without it, but with it, you can attain total victory."
Toothless got ready to fire, and before I could control D/n he nearly shot at Toothless. But there was a net that flew out wrapping around Toothless' mouth. Leading him to fall backward tossing Hiccup off his back.
"Stand down. I don't want to fight."
Viggo glanced towards me, before looking back at Hiccup.
"Yeah, I figured it was you"
Viggo smirked and clapped.
"I'm impressed.-"
He tucked his hands behind his back.
"For once, you're thinking a few moves ahead. However, I can't let you take too much credit. A false Terror mail is not my most clever ruse, but time was of the essence."
"Viggo, what do you want?"
"It appears Johann and Krogan have decided I am expendable. I was given false information regarding the location of a Dragon Eye lens,-"
He walked closer to Hiccup only stopping a few feet away.
"And they attempted to drop a mountain on me.
Viggo noticed my face drop and gave me a reassuring smile.
"Luckily, I managed to escape."
"And you expect me to believe this?"
"Believe it or not, it is the absolute truth. Can you imagine the pain of betrayal, Hiccup?"
"I can."
Hiccup then lunged at Viggo with his sword. Viggo to our surprise pulled one out too, stopping Hiccup's attack.
"I liked your fire sword so much I made my own. With improvements of course."
He then shoved Hiccup away.
"I only want to talk"
Viggo said, raising a hand trying to show Hiccup once again he meant no Ill- will.
"There's nothing to talk about."
Hiccup went to make another assault that Viggo dodged. The only time Viggo raised his sword, was to block swings he couldn't dodge.
After a minute or two of this scrimmage, Viggo was done with it.
He shouted, pressing a button on the shaft of his sword, releasing Zippleback gas, then ignited it with the flames of his sword. Causing Hiccup to fly backward. Viggo muttered something before walking towards Toothless.
"Easy dragon."
He cut the ropes of the net, Toothless let out a snarl before running to Hiccup. Viggo walked to Hiccup, Keeping his distance, kneeling, and placing his sword down at his feet.
"Please listen to me Hiccup. I need your help."
Once Hiccup realized Viggo wasn't lying he nodded. Viggo's shoulders relaxed a bit and he stood, helping Hiccup to his feet.
Then he made his way towards me. He placed a hand on D/n snout stroking it. He went to D/n's side and grabbed my hips, lifting me off of my dragon.
He placed me down on the ground and I wrapped my arms around him.
"You scared me."
I muttered, nuzzling my head in the crook of his neck.
"I know, and I am so sorry for that darling."
He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around my waist.
Word count: 1239

A Forbidden Love (Viggo Grimborn x reader) {Slow Updates}Where stories live. Discover now