Chapter 18

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No Author's note 🙏
*Sorry for any errors*
Jessica's POV:
I run around to the back of our barn in search of Justin. I spot him scrubbing some saddles.

"What is the meaning of this letter?" I threw the letter at him.

"Why the heck did you just throw that at me? What did I do to you?" He tried to change the subject.

"Oh, no you don't Justin Young! Do not change the subject. Why did you write this letter? I'm not even sure I can call it a letter, it wasn't even finished." I say flaring my arms.

"Look, Jess, I'll explain later-"

"No, you explain-" Justin covers my mouth with his hand, making me lick it. Gross.

"Jess no really, I have to show you something." Justin smiles. I'm not sure what he is talking about, but I am pretty curious. He stood up, leaving his wash rag in a bucket of water. Justin grabs my hand and leads me to the wash, and all the way to the pine trees. We stop right in the middle of a clearing.

"Where are you taking me?" I puzzle.

"Look up," he uses his hand to push my head up. I roll my eyes and look up, only to catch my gaze was the old tree-house we used to have.

"You found it!" I couldn't keep my excitement in. I flung my arms around him, and raced over to a lop sided ladder.

"Have you been up yet?" I say testing out the first step.

"Nope, I wanted to wait for you." He smiled and walked over. Awe. After deciding the latter was sturdy enough, I climbed up to the top of the wooden house. The old red paint was peeling, and I had to watch where I put my hands, because I didn't want to get a splinter. I slowly walked around the treehouse, smiling at all the drawings on the walls.

"Look at this! Remember when we found that stray cat and we drew a picture of it?" I laugh at the 7 year old, Justin's drawing. It had a cat with orange stripes and a squiggly mouth. I turn around looking for Justin, but I don't see him.

"Justin?" I call.

"Down here." I crawled back down the ladder and walk around to the back of the wooden house. There, sat Justin on an old tire swing.

"I can't believe that thing is still suspended. How long has it been since someone has actually been out here?" I walk over and sit down next to him. Justin smiles at me.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I use my sleeve to try to take off the thing on my face.

"No, there's nothing in your face," his smile grew wider.

"Then stop smiling like that! It's kind of freaking me out," I say pulling a jacket around me. It had started to sprinkle.

"Man, your really going to regret yelling at me this morning. Come on, I have something else I want to show you." He takes my hand again and pulls me farther out. I've never been this far out before. Soon we come to a little river, and because of the rain, it is now starting to run faster. There is a little bridge that we use to cross over.

"Are you sure we are allowed to be out this far? I mean, this could be private property. Plus, it is starting to pour. We should go back." I tried to pull my hand out of his, but then he turned.

"Close your eyes," he smiles a cheesy smile. I sigh and close my eyes.

"Don't open them until I say, OK?"

"Fine..." I closed my eyes and just waited in silence.

"Justin, this is stupid." I opened my eyes and there was Nelly and Bullseye. Nelly had a giant red bow tied around her neck. Both of them were tied to a tall pine tree. Awe, this was kinda cute.

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