Chapter 17

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I can't believe it is only the 17th chapter... Good grief! Sorry guys! 😬 On to the story...
*Sorry for errors
Jessica's POV:
I woke to the sound of a tractor plowing a field behind our house. As I sat up, I yelped in pain. My back pain had grown a butt load. I moaned as I managed to swing my feet over, and step out of my bed. I hobbled over to my closet and pulled free a t-shirt and some ripped jeans. I wiggled my way into my clothes and I staggered down the stairs, in search of my medication. Justin was asleep at the kitchen table.

"Gee he must have had a rough night," I thought, trying not to wake him up.

I tip-toed into the kitchen and went through the cabinets trying to find my happy pills. Ah-Ha! They were on the counter next to the fridge. As I snuck over, I slipped on a piece of ice that someone had left on the floor. I landed on the floor with a thud. I scrunched my eyes shut and clenched my jaw, hoping I didn't wake up Justin. My answer came when a kitchen chair scooted across the floor with a loud squeak.

"Dang it!" I mentally face palmed myself.

Justin rushed in here with a giant red mark across his head. It must have been from the table.

"Jess, are you OK?" He rushed over and picked me up, with little effort.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I broke my butt though," I laughed. Justin got tense and frowned.

"You need to be more careful. You could have really hurt yourself." Justin frowned and walked out of the kitchen. Gees! What happened to him? I ran out following him, totally forgetting about my medicine.

"What is your problem?" I said grabbing his sleeve.

"Nothing, forget I said that." He turned back around brushing me off. Now I am really pissed off.

"No, tell me, why are you so mad at me for slipping on a piece of ice?" I ran in front of him. I could feel my face burning up. I can't believe he just brushed me off!

"OK, honestly, I feel like your older brother, and I think that it is my job to make sure you are OK and I have to take care of you."

"Justin, I am 19 years old! Don't you think I can handle myself? I'm sorry that I tried to not wake you up. I should have just waited, but now you can go back to bed, because you are acting like kid!" I snapped.

"I'm acting like a kid?! Whose the one who is still caring on?" Justin started yelling.

"I SLIPPED on a piece of ICE and your yelling at me for SUPPOSEDLY hurting myself. I am fine, see?" I ran around in circles around him, probably making the situation worse.

"Oh, so now YOUR yelling at me for trying to keep you safe? What kind of friend are YOU?" Justin yelled one last time before storming out of the house. I gasped. What a jerk! I stomped back into the kitchen to retrieve my medicine.

"Stupid medicine bottle, this is all your fault." I grabbed the bottle and a cup full of orange juice. I sat down at the kitchen table, and took two pills. I sat thinking, drinking the rest of the fresh squeezed juice. I sighed and got up from the table. A paper flew down from the table and landed by my feet. I picked it up. It had my name on it, so I began to read it:

Dear Jess,
This is really hard for me to write, but I was to chicken to tell you in person. Jessica I-

The letter ended, but it was in the same spot as Justin was sitting, so it must be from him. What could he have meant? There's only one way to find out. I turned around and ran outside.

Sorry, I feel like I've been dragging this thing on and on... Anyways, next chapter I promise that you will find out what Justin has been needing to tell Jessica. Thanks for reading guys! Vote, Comment, and Share! Love you guys!
~Jill and Blue 🐴

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