Chapter 11

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A/N: Hello fellow Wattpader's! So a ton has been going on in my life... And I guess the only time I really get to write, is 1:22 am. So yeah. Fun! But anyways, you guys have to know who Jai Waetford is right?? Well right now I am Fangirling hard for him. So hard, that if I met him, I would probably die and go to heaven. But that has nothing to do with this story so moving on!! Thanks guys!

*sorry for errors*


Carrie's POV:

"Alright I think that should do it!" I hand Jackson the Patient sign-out sheet.

"She will still be on her meds, so it's your job to make sure she takes them. The last thing we need is her to be back in the hospital for more pain." I had him the prescribed pill bottle, taking the sign-out clipboard.

"Yes ma'am. She doesn't need to be here any longer." Jackson smiles. "Thanks Carrie!" I watch as he helps Jessica out to his truck.

Jessica's POV:

My back was really starting to hurt. This is one of the times I wished dad had a little car. Climbing into the truck took to much energy, and it hurt too. After my fall, the Doctors told me that it was possible I could have a jacked up back the rest of my life. I certainly didn't want that, but then again, I didn't want to fly off Blue either. I got to thinking.

"Dad, the doctors told me, well us, that I could have a bad back the rest of my life. Does that mean whenever I ride, it would start to hurt?" I tear up thinking about never riding comfortably again.

"Look at you, just got out of the hospital for falling off a horse, and yet your still thinking about getting on one again. I think you need a break for a while," he chuckles.

"Dad, I'm being serious!" I start to sob. It must be this medicine kicking in, I never cry. Dad's smile faded.

"Well sweetheart," he reached over and grabbed my hand, "I guess we will find out on your MRI in two weeks. Just don't do anything. Take it easy. I'm sure you will be ok. But you heard what the doctor said, no riding for eight weeks." He looks at me sternly. I stop sobbing, but the tears keep falling.

When we pull up to the house, I can't take my eyes away from the barn. I never even got to ask.

"Oh my gosh!! Dad!" I sat up real fast.

"What?? Honey are you ok?" Dad asks stopping the car. I ignore his question.

"Have you caught Blue?" I ask hopeful. Dad doesn't answer.

"Oh please tell me you have! He could have came back home! He's really smart... Have you checked the barn, he could be back in there. I'm going to go-"

"Jessica, stop!" Dad reaches over and closes the truck door I've already started opening. My heart sinks. I know what's coming. I know what he's going to say; Sorry, but we haven't even had the chance to look for him. We were to busy with you, you took up the time. I still haven't even found the stallion. It's your fault. The tears come raging out.

"Honey, this is very hard to tell you," he takes a breath. That is not what I thought. The tears stop, and look at him. My heartbeat picks up. "We found Blue, but *breath* he's gone."

"What do you mean gone? You found him right?" I push the questions. The air between us becomes tight.

"No, Jessica dear," his eyes start to look glossy. Is he going to cry? Why? Maybe it was my mind playing tricks. Maybe it was my tears blurring things? "Blue is dead." My heart feels like it is being torn out. I stop breathing. I don't cry, I just try to suck it in. As soon as I look back at dad, I loose it. I'm crying again. When he try's to reach over and comfort me, I open the door and run out. My back feels like it has exploded, but it doesn't hurt as bad as my heart. My feet pick up speed. I don't know where I'm running, but whatever happens, I don't look back. When I look up, I realize I'm in the wash. As I start to look around everything comes flooding back. Dad loosing the Stallion, me having the accident, me in the hospital, my back might not be able to work properly anymore, Blue... I couldn't say it, least even think the word. Dying. It seemed such a strange word. One minute you are fine and walking and laughing, the next, fate catches up, and takes you away. Dying. Such a sad word. I sat down under a big tree. Everything happened because of me. Everything, but the Stallion getting loose. Dad was right, he was dangerous. I'm glad I never did anything dumb. I'm glad Justin was with me. Justin. What about him? Man I am really selfish. He must feel terrible. It wasn't his fault, but he kept blaming himself at the hospital. That's it, I need to stop being a sad sack. I start walking back home.

Jackson's POV:

As soon as Jess got out of the car it broke my heart. She loved that horse. We can't explain what happened to him, but when we were out looking for the horses in the wash, we caught one laying down. The horse was laid on it's side, and bleeding from scratches and nicks. He was no longer breathing, but he still bled, making it possible he was alive 15 minutes ago. He looked like Blue. It must have been him. He was in the wash, pretty close to where we last saw him.

I started out of the truck, wiping a way any loose tears. I don't cry, never. The last time was at the divorce.


I watched as my used-to-be-wife, takes my baby away. "You can follow them, you can make it all better." I can see Jessica looking out the window, crying. She's staring at me. "I'm sorry baby," I say to myself. "There's nothing I can do."


I walk into the house and take off my boots. The last thing I want to do is sit down in front of the TV and watch another auction. I walk up the stairs, and straight to the doorway of a bedroom. Jessica's bedroom to be exact. I haven't been in here since the day she first came. I walked in and looked around. She had pictures, and saying posted on her walls. Many parents would be mad she used Tac's, but I just admire her work. There's no posters of celebrities, or pictures of her role models. Only pictures of The things she loves. Blue, her mom, Kimie (her friend I met at the hospital) there was even a picture of her and Justin when they were little. As I searched looking for a picture of me, I found one. It was taken when she was about 7. We were sitting under a Christmas tree. She had a big present on her lap, and we were both smiling. I miss those times. I missed all those years watching her grow up. I sighed and turned back towards the door.

As I walk out, I hear someone coming in. It must be Jessica. I hop down the stairs, only to be met by John, a station hand. "How's Jess? Have you told her?" He asks grabbing an apple from the fridge. "Yeah, I told her all right, but she's not taking it to well,"I say sitting down, picking up the newspaper. "Just give her some time and space, she'll come through." He went back outside. I sure hope so.

Jessica's POV:

I walk around trees, trying not to get another bump on my head. As I come up the side of the wash, I see Justin.

"Justin!" I yell. He turns around and when he sees me, he puts down what he's doing and runs over.

"Wow! Your out! You look good!" He gives me a hug.

"Thanks." I try to smile. He can tell it's a fake smile. "What's wrong?" He asks. "I'll tell you as soon as I get on a horse. We need to go riding! I've been cooped up in a hospital bed for the past couple of weeks and I need to do something." I say grabbing his hand, and pulling him to the barn. "But your back... Your not allowed to ride. It's the doctor's orders," He says. "Since when did I ever listen to anyone?" I say finally smiling. He smiles too, and off we go, towards the barn.


A/N: Sorry about this chapter being kind of sad... :( I just thought I needed to add another twist. Hope you liked it?? Like, comment, fan, share.... Do whatever! I love your comments, and I will try my very hardest to respond to them! Love you guys! Xx

-Jill and Blue

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