Chapter 9

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A/N: HEY EVERYONE!!! It has been a very long time since I uploaded. I'm very SUPER sorry. Enjoy my darlings! :)

*~* Sorry for any Errors*~*


Jessie's P.O.V:

"Alright, I dare you to, ummm, OOOO I got one!" Said Justin as a wide grin spread across his face.

"Spit it out then, we haven't got all day," says Kimie rolling her eyes.

"I dare you to lick the bottom of your foot," smiles Justin.

"Ewww thats just sick! Don't do it-"

To late. I stuck my tough out and licked the pad of my foot.

"Oh my gosh! I think I'm going to be sick," says Kimie as her face turns green

"How'd it taste?" laughs Justin.

"It didn't taste as good as I thought it would," I say with total honest.

Me and Justin sit on my bed and laugh as we watch Kimie's face. She took one look at us and ran to use my hospital room bathroom.

"Poor thing..." I started before laughing. Justin joined in and soon we were all crying of laughter.

"Alright guys, time to let Ms. Jessica get some sleep." Said my assigned nurse.

"Awww but Carrie we are in the middle of an intense game of truth or dare!" Said Justin, giving his best impression of a puppy face.

"If you are trying to butter me up Justin, it is mot working." Carrie said putting her hands on her hips.

"Fine, Com'on Kimie, Ms. Jessica has to get her sleep," he said imitating Carrie. We all laugh, and Carrie ushers them out of my room.

"Thanks for kicking them out, I've been getting sleepy," I yawned.

"That's what I figured, your just to polite to say anything to them," she said smiling. Carrie helped me get comfortable and helped me take my pain medicine.

"I think by tomorrow, you should be free to go home, just take it easy, promise?" She asked fluffing up my pillow.

"Of course, no more horses for a while, that's for sure. I think my tail bone is bruised enough from the fall, I couldn't imagine trotting in that saddle of mine." She gives me a small smile.

"Well of you need anything, don't be afraid to holler, everyone is to drugged up to hear, and I've requested to stay on this level for my shift." Carrie said before closing my door.

She is probably the sweetest women I've met, besides my gran.

Even though I am as tired as anyone can possibly be, I was swimming with to many questions to sleep. What scared Blue and made him freak? Blue is the calmest horse and up until 'that day' I would have never thought he would have took of like that. I brush off the question, and turn on the Television. As I flip through the channels, I came to CSI. Soft tears form as I remember sweet memories, before the Divorce. We would always still on the couch, with me squished in the middle, watching CSI. Dad would be on my left and mom on my right. We would all try to guess the suspect, and eat popcorn. Being a seven year old, I wanted to be a detective more than anything. I would spend my days, tracking down criminals, with a trusty blood hound. I wipe my tears away and settle on watching this.

Slowly I drift in and out of sleep, drifting deeper and deeper each time. Finally the pain meds take their toll, and I blank out, just as Willow arrests the suspect.


"I think it the big bald guy."

"Oh come on daddy, he's the one that called in the case!"

"I guess that's true, but he seems oddly suspicious to me," he said rubbing his head.

"Well maybe he's lying... Maybe he really did it, but he wanted to seem innocent," I said slightly agreeing with daddy. "Who do you think, mama?" I asked?

"Hum, I'm not as clever as you and you dad, but I would have to say it's the victims uncle," she decided.

"But he is his uncle, he wouldn't kill his own nephew would he?" I gasped.

"I don't know Jessie, some people do bad things and they don't even realize it, until it's to late." Mom said with a sad smile.

-------------Next Dream--------------

"But mom! Just three weeks ago you said, some people do bad things and they don't even realize, until it's to late! What if leaving dad is a bad thing? You just don't realize it!" I yell at her from the back seat crying.

"Jessica Harrison! Stop your crying right now! Your dad and I don't love each other anymore! We don't love eachother-" She cut off crying.

"Mom I'm sorry if I made you cry, I didn't mean to." Mom pulled over the red dodge and turns around and pulls me into a big hug.

"Oh Jess, you didn't make me cry, your dad did, he made you cry too! It's his fault, he didn't even try to come and save us, he didn't even come to save us."


"Jessica! Honey wake up!" Carrie said shaking me. I opened my eyes and I was covered in sweat.

"It's ok Hun, I'm right here," said Carrie giving me a hug. "It's ok it was just a dream."

The thing that she doesn't know is, it wasn't a dream. It was for real. And he wasn't there to save me.



Hey guys! Long time no read! I am 100% sorry for not writing in a long time... I have been feeling horrible about it!

:( Can you even forgive me?? :( Please Comment! I love reading them! On my book and on my page! Love you all and thank you for still believing in me!!! :) xoxo From Arizona!

~Jill and Blue

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