Chapter 4

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I would just love to say a big thank you to @morninglarkx!! She is wonderful and she inspired me to keep writing! To be honest you all did! I just needed this extra push! THANK YOU! Also I'm thinking about writing another story about a boy about 10 or 12 that wants a dog sooooo bad (like me!) but his parnets say nope... just like me... and he meets a dog and befriends him... its sort of like Old Yeller and Shilo mixed together... if you are intristed I will put a summary up after this... Anyways enough of me flapping my lips! ENJOY MY FRIENDS!!


Sorry for any errors!

Chapter 4:

As me and Justin trot through the trails leading up and down, Blue starts to slow down to a walk. He then stops in his tracks with his ears pricked forward. Justin notices it too from Nelly. "What is it Blue?" I whisper to be sure not to scare off whatever he is hearing. Blue stops twitching his ears and flips his head towards my right. Before I relized what happend, he took off carntering in that direction. He went from a walk to a gallop in less than seven seconds. I could hear Justin behind me yelling to Nelly. Blue ran around giant thorn trees, causing me to scrach up and bleed. My heart was picking up as I relized a tree branch coming  my way fast. Blue picked up speed and I ducked my head just in time. "JUSTIN! HELP ME!" I yell. I have never been this scared on Blue before. Blue turned sharp causinf me to let go of his brown reins. I can feel my foot start to slip from the sturip. Justin starts to pick up speed with Nelly. For an old horse Nelly was really fast! "Jessica, you need to trust me, when I tell you to jump, you need to jump toward me!" he yells over the roar of hoofs pounding the ground. "WHAT!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? AND LEAVE BLUE IN DANGER? NO WAY!! I CAN HANDLE THIS!" I yell at the top of my lungs to be heard. "Jessie you need to listen, theres a ridge up a head. Blue will be able to stop in time, but with the speed he's going right now you will go flying off!!!" pleaded my friend. "YOU BETTER BE RIGHT!!!" I shout back. "Alright, grab onto the saddle horn or Blue's mane and swing your left foot over." I do as I was told. "OK NOW WHAT?" I yell concerned. "When I tell you to jump you jump ok?" Justin tells me. "OK!" I say on the verge of crying. "Ready, set, JUMP!" he sounds carring out the P. Before I relized what a stupid mastake I just made, my foot slipped. 

I hit the ground harder than you would if you where to jump off a 100 foot building and land in water.  I heard many things snap, crackle, and pop! Starting from my hip, to my ankle, then back up to my wrist. I managed to roll onto my back. My head was thumping hard and the strap on my healmit must have broke, for it was thrown quite a ways from me. I turned my head to see Justin race up to me. He kneels down and picks me up bridal style. I dig my head into his shoulder and cry. Cry. I havn't cried since it. Since the devores. Memories flood back . Mom yelling at dad. Mom telling dad she dosen't love him anymore. She packs her stuff up in that same navy-blue suitcase. Her rolling it to her red Dodge. Dad, me, and mom with red splochy eyes. Tears streming down my face as she grabs some of my clothes and drags me out to the car. Me screaming at the top of my lungs. No not again, I won't let it happen again. Before I could feel the back of the horse, black swallowed me up whole.


I wake up to the sound of a slamed door. I'm home! "Jessica! My sweet girl!" talks grandma Kim. "Set her right here, Justin." Justin! Dang it I hope I wasn't to heavy for him. How did he bring me back? Wheres my dad?  I mean I know he had Nelly, but how did he manage it? Hows Nelly? But most of all wheres Blue?!? (FLASHBACK!)

"Come on Justin!" I say in my frilly voice. "I call Nelly this time!" Justin says. "Then what horse can I ride?" I say sad. "What about Bulls-eye?" asked Justin. "Bulls-eye is daddy's horse." I say grumpy. "Just go as-" Justin was cut off by the sound of a truck. As we walk out ofnthe barn I see John's truck hooked with a horse trailer. (John is a station hand) "Is that a horse trailer?!" I state with couriosity. "I think so, sounds like a horse is in the back!" explains Justin. We ran over and jumped up on the wheel of the trailer to look inside. It was my dream horse! A Dappled-gray stallion! "Hey sis.!" states dad. "How do you like Blue?" he questions. "He is so pretty!" I say in awe. "Well then thats good!" he says taking me and Justin off the tire. "Why is it good daddy?" I asked confuzed. My heart starts to pick up. "Well because Blue, is your new horse." he tells me with a smile. Thats when my heart stopped.


A/N: HOW WAS IT??? I thought it was pretty good if I say so myself! There wasn't so much of the black stallion in this one, but he will come up next chaper!! Remeber Comment, Vote, Read, and Tell your friends!! Thanks! I will try to put the summary of the next book up soon... its late my time and I have homework to do... :p YUCK!! Thanks DARLINGS!!


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