Chapter 7

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Hey guys and girls! :) Its finally summer which means, MORE WRITING!! :D WOOP! Haha I hope you all are exsited as me?!? I sure am... Anyways on with the story :)



Jackson's P.O.V:

As me and Bull trot down the wash, I rub my head where the branch hit me.

"You alright boss?" comes John's voice. 

"I sure hope so," I say sounding a little annoyed.

"Aw com'on Jack, Seans just a kid. We'll find that horse."

"That horse was for the upcoming rodeo. He was going to make me big bucks." 

"Ya, sure, but would you rather risk your's and Bulls life, or wait 'till tomorrow morn'in?" John asked slitely amused.

"Umf. I think you know the answer to that," I say even more annoyed.

"I know Ritz here wouldn't last." He chuckled.

"He probably wouldn't, which is why you should have gott'en Nelly."

"I would have boss, but Nelly wasn't in her usaul place," John said with curiosity.

"Justin must have took her when Jessie went for a ride. They were old time friends you know," I say smiling at the memories.

"I remember."

The rest of the ride was quiet and peaceful. I listened carfully to the crickets chirps. Oh how I loved living out in the country.

Justin's P.O.V:

Crap! I have to find Jackson! He is going to freak out when he finds out about Jessie!!

I have never got on a horse so fast as I jumped on Nelly. I have to give her credit though, for an old horse she sure went from 0 to 15 mph pretty quick.

"Where is he?" I say out loud. Its hard to see out here. What time is it any ways? 7:00? Maybe 7:30? I was ripped from my thoughts as I hear a sound to my right.


HEY!! How was it?? :)Good bad? Please leave me a comment :) Thanks

~Jill and Blue

P.S Sorry for making it really short :P Sorry next one will be longer :) 

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