Chapter 14

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A/N: Hello fellow people of Wattpad! Ok so I've had some questions asked about the last chapter. So it ended when Jessica had to choose which horse to bring back. She had to make a choice because she couldn't have taken two horses back (Especially with the crazy Stallion) Think of it as the movie Spirit. I took like five men to control Spirit when he was first caught. Just a hint! Haha thanks guys!

Sorry for any errors!


Jessica's POV:

How could I choose? We just risked our lives, and the horses lives just to catch this Stallion. What can I do? I can't take both horses back, it's impossible. Blue next to a phyco of a horse? No, that wouldn't turn out good. My heart started to beat faster. There has to be a way...

"Jessica, I need help!" Justin calls me, holding tight to the rope. The Stallion was bucking, and my rope was beginning to unravel around the saddle horn.

"I'm sorry Blue," I whispered, taking the lead rope off. A tear came rushing down my face as I kissed my friend goodbye. "I'll come back, I promise. Just stay here." I wiped the tear away and walked back to Bulls-eye. I mounted him, and took one more look at Blue before we took off towards the house. Blue looked happy. He was chewing on the over grown grass and weeds, while happily flicking his tail. He didn't even look up. My heart broke as I thought of leaving my friend all over again.

Justin's POV:

As I as pulling this crazy, untamed beast, I snuck a glance at Jess. She didn't look to good. Her back must be killing her! Oh boy, the rath of fury I'm going to have to face when I get home! Jackson was going to be pissed! I brush it off and quietly sat pulling the horse along. The awkward silence was strange. We were always yelling back and forth, trying to squeeze in another chance to speak. Both of us were pretty talkative. I couldn't find anything to say. She just lost her horse, again. What could I possibly say to make her feel better. As I racked my brain, her soft sniffles pulled me back.

"Justin?" Jessica looked over at me with a tear stained face. It completely broke my heart to see her like this. She was like an annoying little sister, but none the least, she was like family.

"Yes?" That was all I could manage out.

"When I get home, I'm going to go up to my room. My back feels like it is going to snap any minute. Would you mind putting Bull away for me? I can help you put the Stallion away, but after that, I'm afraid I have to take a hot bath," a small smile lit across her face.

"Yeah, of course!" I smiled back. She turned away and the rest of the ride was silent.

Jessica's POV:

As we entered back on to our land, I was fighting my emotions. Half of me wanted to crawl underneath a rock and hid from the work. The other half longed for two things of pain killers.

The Stallion fought hard. He sure didn't want back in his pen. All the commotion cause Dad to come outside. Great, so much for not wanting to bed caught on a horse. I braised for the impact.

"Jessica Lee Harrison! What the heck do you think you are doing on a horse?!" I could tell he was trying really hard to block out the horse.

"Look, I'm sorry. I can explain later. Right now I am dieing for some meds, so your going to have to wait for an explanation." I hoped down off Bull. I carefully watched Justin secure the lock on the corral, even tying an extra string around the metal gate. I watched in horror as Dad matched right up to Justin and yelled at him.

"She just got back from the hospital! You knew better! I told you to look out for her-" The list went on and on. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I gave Justin an apologizing look before limping into the house.

"Oh my dear child!" Gram screamed as she jumped up off the couch to help me.

"Gram, it's alright, I'm fine, I just need to take a bath. Can you please bring me up and glass of water and my pain killers? You can set them on the desk in my room," I didn't wait for an answer. I stumbled up the stairs and made a beeline to the bathroom. I closed and locked the door behind me and hoped over to the tub where I turned the faucet on. As I waited for the tub to fill up, I sat down on the counter and cried.

Justin's POV:

I was lucky. Jackson let me off easy. I had extra duties, but overall, I dodged the major bullets. I walked back inside, half expecting Jessica to be in the den watching TV. I smiled as Gran came out of the kitchen. She was holding a mason jar full of lemonade with a red and white straw sticking up out of the top of it. She held the bottle of Jess' prescribed pills.

"Oh perfect timing! I need you to run these up to Jessica's room. She is in the bathroom right now, but you can set these on her desk. I have to make an important phone call. Thank you Justin!"

She handed me the meds and I headed up the stairs. The sound of the bath tub from the bathroom filled the hallway. As I walked past to restroom, I stopped. What was that? Sobbing? After looking around, I cupped my ear to the door and heard soft sobs coming from inside. Oh poor thing. As I walked into her room, I set her things down on her desk. I walked over and sat on the side of her bed. How was I going to tell her... Tell her, I too, would be leaving her?



Paltry this chapter was short, I just wanted to update quickly for my fellow Wattpader's! 😁 School has been a disaster! I seriously have to work my butt off for one class, so updates are going to be pretty rare. Just long enough for me to get this class under my belt. Thank you for your support of this story! It means a ton! Love to you all...

-Jill and Blue 🐴

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