Our Own Family (KiyoshiXReader)

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You took a closer look at the pregnancy test. Without a doubt, it shows a positive sign.

"We're going to be a family soon...." you whispered while rubbing your tummy.

"I'm home!" you heard your dad yelled from downstairs. You panicked and quickly threw the pregnancy away.

You ran down with a sheepish smile on your face.

"What's wrong, (First Name)? What's with that creepy look?" you dad teased as he took off his leather shoe.

"Pft, nothing. Oh, mom said that she might be coming home late tonight."

"I see. I wonder what's for dinner tonight~" your dad sang as he walked upstairs.

You sighed, "hmmm..... shall I cook some stew tonight?"


You went to school as usual. With your friends surrounding you, chatting happily away.

Right then, you felt your stomach is churning. You felt like you wanted to vomit.

You clasped your mouth with your hands and dashed to the toilet. Your friends, worrying what might happen, went with you.

"Blurgh!" you threw up into the toilet bowl.

"(First Name), are you alright in there?" (Friend' Name) asked after knocking the cubicle door.

"Y-Yeah.... just feel a little sick..." you mumbled.

You clean yourself up and went out.

'Never knew being pregnant is feel so devastating....' you thought.

Halfway through walking, you bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry, are you o- (First Name)?"


"Why are you here?" Kiyoshi asked as he helped you up.

"Nothing... just feeling sick all of the sudden." you said.

Without any hesitation, Kiyoshi scoops you up with his arms and make his way to the infirmary.

He puts you down gently down on the bed. Noticing that the nurse isn't here at the moment, you heaved a sigh of relief.

"If the nurse is here, I might die if she found out that I'm pregnant....." you mumbled.

"Hm? Did you said something?"

"Um.... no, nothing." you sweatdropped. "Oh, I heard that you guys won Winter Cup. Congrats. Sorry that I can't went to watch it, something came up back then."

"Yeah and it's okay, we're planning to celebrate tonight, wanna come?"


"Cheers!" the sound of glasses hit each other gently greeted you.

You came back from the toilet as you felt a bit nauseous. Kiyoshi did offer to help but you decline, you didn't want to spoil his day.

Furthermore, you are going to tell him about it.

"(First Name)-chan! Come come! Here's your juice!" Riko cheered.


All of you had your fun in the karaoke box. (we called that here, kbox for short.) Koganei and Izuki singing, Kagami and Mitobe are munching on the appetizers, Kuroko chuckling at the singing duos, whose singing quite..... bad.

"Teppei, why aren't you singing with them?" you asked and took a sip of the juice.

"Well, it's fun seeing them so happy. So it's good enough for me." he replied with a warm smile.

You hummed. You feel that now it's a right time to tell Kiyoshi about the problem you have, so you stood up and dragged him outside.

Kiyoshi has a puzzled look on his face, "Why all of the sudden, (First Name)?"

"I-I have to tell you something.....big." you squeaked with blushing face.

"Hm? What is it?"

"U-Um.... I-I'm...... pregnant.." you mumbled the last embarrassing word, but unfortunately for you, Kiyoshi heard it.

"EH?! SERIOUSLY?" he gasped in shock.

"Y-You don't have to be that mad...." you muttered, thinking back, the both of you did it and he forgot to put on his condom. (LOL)

'I should've reminded him......and now look, he's mad.'

"Mad? I'm happy!" Kiyoshi exclaimed and picks you up, spinning you around in excitement.

"Ugh, T-Teppei.... I'm gonna puke on you if you keep doing that....."

"Oops, sorry~ I'm just too overly happy...  I'm so glad, we can finally start out own family now..." Kiyoshi wrapped his arms around your waist.

As he was going to pull you into a kiss, Koganei came out.

"Senpais, what are you guys doing here? Let's head back in before you two catch a told in the middle of the kiss~" he teased and ran off.

"Yeesh, that cat-face...... " you pouted and Kiyoshi chuckled.


Heylooooooooo. Thanks you guys for the votes and kind comments! Here's another shot of mine. I kinda did this during my break time during studying so yeah, can't promise you that it's good. might have some mistakes here and there.

don't mind me saying this every of these endings!

Hope you enjoy!

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