Blues By Chance (KagamiXReader)

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You sighed as you took a glance at your phone.

"Even though I promised not to disturb him..." you mumbled, trying to resist the thought of texting him while he's working.

But still, it's been two weeks and you haven't even text him a single message yet, same goes for Kagami.

The relationship between you two was so isolated and awkward.

And then, he's words echoes in your mind.

I'll work hard to buy a birthday present for you, (First Name).

You suddenly got all pumped up, "I shouldn't be here worrying! I should make something to thank Taiga for his hard work!" you cheered, "And~ Tomorrow is my birthday after all~ I can't wait to meet him!"


You happily skipped to Kagami's workplace, which he worked as a waitress, while swinging a white paper bag with a bag of cookies you made last night.

You swung the door open, the bell went off.

"Welcome!" one of the staff greeted with a bright smile. "How many person?"

"Nah, I'm here to look for Tai- Kagami." you smiled back.

"Oh, you must be his girlfriend!" the staff said.

You blushed and nodded, causing him or her chuckled.

"Just walk straight down this path and turn right, Kagami is in the first room." the staff directed.

"Thank you!" you beamed and eagerly walked to where Kagami was.

As you were about to burst into the room, you widened your eyes.

Kagami was cupping a girl's cheeks with his large hands, both of their lips were interlocked with each other.

Confusion and anger build up inside you.

The loud bang from the door you've just slammed open startled them.

"(F-First Name)?! W-Why are y-you doing here?!" Kagami exclaimed, pulling himself away from the girl.

"Tai-kun, who is she?" the girl tugged Kagami's sleeve.


"I see. Without me by your side, you can mess around like this? Have you ever consider my feelings? Have you ever thought of how I feel when I tried my best to endure myself from contacting you because I don't wish to disturb you at work?" you clenched your fists, and crumpled the paper bag.

"It's not what it look like!" You could tell that your beloved boyfriend, was desperate to find an excuse.

"You jerk!" you threw the bag at him, hard and ran out with salty tears ran down your cheeks.

You ran back home and threw yourself onto your bed, which your mom was wondering why were you crying.

Then, you heard your mom opened the entrance's door and have some conversation with a certain someone, and let him in.

*knock knock*

"(First Name), Kagami-kun is here to see you." your mom knocked on your door.

"Send him out!" you cried as you yanked your blanket over your head.

Silence was in the air. Your mom did not say anything and sighed and walked away, leaving Kagami in front of your door.

"(First Name)..." Kagami muttered, "Please let me in, I'll explain everything."

"No! Go away!"

Kagami lowered his head, feeling guilty and spoke up, "I know that what I've done is unforgivable and no matter how much I try to explain to you won't work. But I would like you to hear out my one and only explanation."

You thought for a while and went to the door and opened it, "Come in."

Kagami nodded slightly and went in, sitting on the floor cross-legged.

"Well?" you urged him.

He inhaled deeply and said, "Shall we break up?"

Those words that you were dying to avoid, echoed in your mind and was ringing in your ears.

"W-What? Why?"

"Why, you ask... You know how lonely I've been for these last two weeks without you sending a single mail to me or a phone call?" 

"I-I was just thinking that I shouldn't be disturbing you during your working hours... and I was thinking that it might be a tiring day for you... that's why I did not call..." you explained with those familiar salty beads of tears started to roll down your face.

"B-But what's that going to do with you kissing another girl in front of me!" 

Kagami rubbed his temple, "You left me alone and all I wanted is to hear your voice... but you turned off your phone every time I tried to call you."

"That's because-"

"I was thinking about you so much, that (Girl's Name) had to come at the wrong timing and asked me to have a kiss with her. And I mistook you for her." 

You were speechless.

"So, you see... I am not asking for you forgiveness, because this isn't something that anyone can forgive another about. and two weeks is a long time, (First Name). That's why, I'm tired of this." Kagami finished.

"B-But does it have to end like this?" you choked back your tears.

He placed a small velvet box in front of you and stood up, "I'm sorry, and thank you for your care... and love." 

"Taiga!" you reached your hand out to him, but it didn't stop him.

You looked down on the box, you slowly open it and you cried your heart out.

There was this beautiful ring, with your initials carved on it. And a small card was stuck between the ring and the ring holder.

Marry me, (First Name). 

And that was the first time that you had cried so much for someone that you held so dearly, you could die for him.


//holds out tissues boxes. i am not at fault for breaking your hearts lawlz.

well well! and here i'm back! sorry for not updating after a rather long period! i was taking a break from Wattpad and i was running out of ideas of what to write so.

and damn, people nowadays are thinking that i'm Japanese because of my name.


and you guys, stop assuming me that my plots for my stories are from anime references. really, stop. when there is, i'll have a warning sign at the beginning of the story.

Well! I'm not hating you guys for that! i'll luv you guys, always <3

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