I Can't (HanamiyaXReader) Pt.2

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Yes guys. It's part two! Thanks you guys for your support! I love you guys so much! It seems like you pretty readers would like a part two for this story so here you go!

For those who don't get it, please enjoy yourself with "I Can't" part one!


You closed your phone after you broke up with Hanamiya, right on the phone.

You covered yourself with the blanket tightly and cried.

*knock knock*

"(First Name)? Are you okay?" you mom asked, worried of why you're crying ever since you got home.

"Y-Yeah?" you answered while trying to wipe your tears away but it just won't overflowing.

She opened the door, walled towards your bed and sat beside you.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"I-I..... " before you could even finish, you bawled your eyes out all over again.

Your mom hugged you gently. "Don't worry. Take your time. Once you've calm down, tell me what happened."

* * *

"Is that so?"

You told your mom everything that had happened, of how you just can't let go of him.

"Now that guy must be blind for being too much to a sweet and beautiful girl like you." she huffed with her hands on her hips.

You sniffled.

"Aw, don't make such a face! It doesn't suit you." your mom patted your head and said, "If he comes to you tomorrow, give him a proper answer. Face to face, instead of over the phone. Who knows he might be crazy over you~" she teased.

"M-Mom!" you blushed.

She giggled, "I get it, I get it. Dinner will be done in ten minutes!" she winked.

"Geez...... "

- Next Day -

Out of habit, you naturally walked to the gym, since you're the manager after all.

You swung the door open, you took a peek inside.


"Oh! (First Name)-chan!" Kazuya cheered.

"Hello, Kazuya-kun." you smiled.

"(First Name)." a familiar voice called out from behind.

You flinched and hid behind Kazuya, "W-What...?"

"What's wrong, (First Name)-chan?" the bubblegum guy was puzzled.

When Hanamiya is about to growled at Kazuya of how he made contact with you, you butted in.

"Let's go, Kazuya-kun." you dragged him with him.

"B-but....." Kazuya said no more and followed.

Hanamiya stood there, with a frown on his face.


For almost the entire day, you've ignored Hanamiya. Except the time where your teacher wants to have partner work, which of course, you and Hanamiya's a pair.

He tried to approach you in anyway he can. Pulled you by the wrist, wrote letters and put it in under your desk and even scared your friends away when he asked them your whereabouts.


The bell went off. You quickly packed your bag and ran out.

Running running, you bumped into certain someone.

"(First Name)? Why are you in a hurry?"

You looked up, "Kentaro-kun! O-Oh, nothing particularly...... " you mumbled.

He tilted his head slightly, confused and looked at you intently, suspecting that you may be lying.

You do know that you can't possible lie to him. He's just too smart.

I mean, he's got an IQ of 260!


"So? What's your problem?" he yawned. He then realise, "Hold it. Let's go somewhere else." he grabbed your wrist and went up to the rooftop.

You then accidentally dropped your bag. You went bag and retrieve it, then saw Hanamiya standing there.

"H-Hey, Makoto.... didn't see you t-there..... " you stuttered.

He just glared at you and Kentaro.

Kentaro grabbed your wrist once again without hesitation and walked off.

He closed the door behind him and sat on the ground.

"Now we're alone. Go ahead and explain to me why or what happened." he said.

"Well....." you began. Just like what you've told your mom, you told him everything.

After that, Kentaro sighed.

"As expected of him, huh? Then, do you wish to get back with him?" he questioned.

"I-I do. I love him. It's just that, he's being quite over protective.... Every time when he sees me with any male student, he would interrupt and yank me away.... being humiliate in front of everyone is a bit too much for me...." you trembled.

"Well, you should just tell me."

"Wha?" you looked at the person who's talking, it's Hanamiya.

"K-Kentaro-kun! I thought you said that we're alone!" you sobbed.

"Well, this guy just barge in." he stated. "Guess I'm gonna get going now." Kentaro stood you, dusted off his pants and walked off, closing the door.

Leaving you and Hanamiya alone.

'This is getting awkward......'


"I'm sorry, (First Name). I didn't know that you felt this way....." he looked down.

You stared at him a disbelief. Those words were actually came out out of the bad boy, Hanamiya Makoto's mouth.


"I'm sorry, all right? I know that I've went a bit too overboard. But I still love you."

A drop of tear trickled down your cheek. Hanamiya walked towards you and pulled you into his embrace.

"I-I love you too, Makoto..... " you sobbed.


You went home with a bright smile on your face.

"My, did something good happen to you?" you mom asked.

"Uh hm! Guess what? Just like you said, Makoto came to me!" you cheered.


"We're together again!"

"How could you?! That man treats like nothing and you still love him?!" your mom faked cry while falls onto the floor dramatically.

You giggled, "Yes, I love him no matter what happen. I will never let anything break us up again."

"My dear (First Name) have grown up so much....." your mom smiled.


Hope this second part isn't as bad.

You guys are so sweet! Leaving cute comments etc. I'm very happy when you guys requested for this~

Hope you enjoy this while I'll be here working on the upcoming chapter!

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