They Misunderstood Your Brother

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Walking down the shopping streets with your cheeky and mischievous older brother while looking for some new clothes.

Then, he caught a glimpse of a fancy-looking cafe.

"Let's go to the nearest cafe! I'll treat ya'!" he sang as he rested his arm on your shoulders.

"U-Um... but it's-" as you were about to complain about the price, you felt your shoulders wasn't as heavy as before when your older brother rested his arms there.

But instead, you heard him groaning in pain.

"O-Ouch ouch ouch! Let me go!" your brother yelped.

You turned your head to look at him and gasped.

Your beloved boyfriend, Akashi was holding onto his wrist and bent it backwards.


"Stay away from my woman, commoner." Akashi said coldly.

You went all flustered and panicked, you quickly pushed Akashi away and helped your brother up.

"Why are you helping him, (First Name)?"

"Oww! (First Name)! Who's that! Do you know him?" your brother cried.


"Well?" both of them chorused.

You cleared your throat and spoke, "Akashi, this is my older brother, (Older Brother's Name) and Onii-chan, this is my boyfriend, Akashi Seijuuro."

"Your boyfriend?"

"Your brother?"

You nodded in reply.

Both of them looked at each other, then to you.

Before your brother could speak, Akashi pulled you towards him.

"I do not care whether you are a brother to (First Name) or not but, do not touch my woman so casually." Akashi growled.

"S-Sei!" you whispered harshly.


Walking down the shopping streets with your cheeky and mischievous older brother while looking for some new clothes.

Then, he caught a glimpse of a fancy-looking cafe.

"Let's go to the nearest cafe! I'll treat ya'!" he sang as he rested his arm on your shoulders.

"U-Um... but it's-" as you were about to complain about the price, you were cut off by a familiar voice.


The both of you spun around and looked at the person who shouted.

It was Midorima, who's holding his lucky item, a suitcase, came running towards you.

He swatted your brother's hand off and pushed you behind him.


"A-Are you o-okay?" his voice cracked slightly, which you can tell that he's worried.

"(First Name), who's he?" your brother asked as he looked at Midorima.

You tapped Midorima's shoulder, "Shintaro, there's nothing to worry about. He's my my older brother, (Older Brother's Name)." you smiled.


"Onii-chan, this is my cute lil' boyfriend, Midorima Shintaro."

"C-Cute?!" Midorima flustered.

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