Your Fault (AomineXReader)

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This contains slight Lemon for you dirty readers;)

You woke up as you heard someone have been ringing your doorbell multiple times, non-stop.

"Ugh.... What the hell?" you groaned and you sat up, hugging your favourite pillow/plush toy.

You opened the door, "Who is it?" you asked the annoying-one-who-kept-ringing-the-bell while ruffling your messy bed hair.

You looked up, it was Aomine, panting heavily and sweating waterfalls.

"A-Aomine? What are you doing here at this hour?" you asked, squinting your eyes as the sunlight was shining against your pretty face.

"I... I heard... from... Satsuki that... you're... sick.." Aomine said, still panting heavily.

"Er.... I'm actually fine now. Aren't you suppose to be at school?" you asked again.

Aomine calmed himself down and spoke, "Y-yeah... I was just worried..." he mumbled, but loud enough for you to hear. 

He blushed madly as he moved his gaze down your body. "W-What are you wearing?!" he exclaimed.

You looked down and noticed that you were wearing something.... too revealing. You were wearing a simple (Favourite Colour) tank top with a really short short.

But you aren't really bothered by it, "So what?"

Aomine sighed, "Never mind... You have big boobs by the way."

You smiled, "Thanks. Oh, do you wanna come inside and have a drink or a shower? You seemed tired and sweaty too."

A/N:Don't ask me why did I put it as a compliment...I just feel like it.


-Time Skip-

Aomine walked out of the shower and noticed his clothes were good as new. "Ah, I've washed and dried your clothes so you won't wear those stinky and sweaty shirt." you yelled out from the kitchen while cooking something for him to eat.

"Thanks." he answered back and put on his clothes.

You placed a plate of bacon, scrambled eggs and some sausages on the dining table, "Here, I've made something for you to eat."

He sat down and began to gobbled up the food. You chuckled at his funny expression, "I'm going to take a shower and don't peek~" Aomine almost choked on his food and you laughed. 

"Just joking~" and with that, you walked off.

-Another Slight Time Skip-

You came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around your body and head to your room. You put on a loose (Favourite Colour) sweater that leave your right shoulder exposed, without wearing any pants or short as the length of the sweater reaches just above your knees.

You then went to the dining table and saw Aomine had finished his food. You take the used utensils and head towards the kitchen.

Aomine was sitting on the couch, reading the magazines that was placed on your mini table. He then saw you that you were done showering and came out of the kitchen with two cups of hot chocolate/tea.

You offered him a cup of the chocolate/tea while sitting beside him and he muttered a 'thanks'.

"I didn't know that you were so worried about me that you would skip school and came running to me." you chuckled.

Aomine looked away with blushing face, but looked at you again. Gazing at your beautiful face and body, you are just his type. He gets turned on when he saw your exposed legs and shoulder.

As you put down the cup, he suddenly pinned you down on the couch, with his on top of you and his left leg between your thighs.

You were startled at the sudden action, "A-Aomine, what are you doing?"

"It's all your fault that I can't control myself." he said with his lust-filled blue orbs.

He moved his face closer and closer, attempting to kiss you and you did not struggle or anything.

"Ring-Ring!" the both of you were startled as Aomine's phone started ringing. He let out a 'tch' and pulling himself away from you, he looked at the caller ID.

"What is it, Satsuki?" he answered the call with a lazy tone.

"AOMINE-KUN! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! THE COACH IS LOOKING FOR YOU!" Momoi screamed on the other side of the line, causing the poor tanned male to move away from his cell.

You overheard the conversation and looked at the clock hanging on the wall, you noticed that the school have ended and it's time for basketball practice.

"Huh? Why? Besides, the only who can beat me is me." he scoffed.

"If you don't come, I'm going to tell (First Name)-chan about your dirty little fantasies about her~" Momoi threatens in a teasing tone.

Aomine was struck, "Gah! I'm coming over so don't you dare!" he hung up.

 "Gomen, (First Name)! I have to go!"


I think it's quite confusing since I jumped around from here and there.

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