3, first year: Nicknames and Parents

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Cw for not fun family things


Remus is the best, I thought for the millionth time. Despite knowing that we were the ones who did it, I couldn't help laughing louder than was safe. The slytherins didn't look good with down to the floor length hair. The teachers looked amused, it was obvious none of them had helped. Some students had brought scissors and the random locks of hair covered that part of the great hall's floor.

"Again?" Peter said quietly.

"Again, Peter?" I said as if I didn't know what he meant. "This has never happened before."

He pouted. "I guess I won't be able to stop you.. but now Remus is on it?"

"Aw feeling left out? You could join" Remus said

"Fine," he mumbled.

"Yes! The-" James said excitedly before stopping. "we need a name"

"What?" Peter looked confused

"The..the.. sss.. the spajaruh. Or uh sss pj r." I laughed "no no that's really bad."

"Was that you trying to make a name out of our initials? It would maybe be better with last names. Two p's a B and a L." Remus tried.

"No no no... Remus' means moon or something right?" James said thoughtfully

"What?" Remus looked panicked

"Yeah! Me and Remus, moon and star." I said excitedly

"What about us!" Peter said

"How is black a star?" James asked confused

"And-and how is Lupin a moon??" Remus added

"No, no, Lupin is a wolf and Sirius is a star," I corrected. James forgot our conversation on the train but I didn't mind. "James was wrong but moon and star sounds more fun than star and wolf."

"W-wolf?!" Remus almost choked on his food. I looked at him a little worried

"Yeah, from Latin, lupus. And actually, in Roman mythology, Remus is raised by wolves."

"Um I need to go" Remus rushed out of the great hall in panic.

"What's up with him?" James asked.

I watched the door he just left out of. " maybe he went to the bathroom.."

"Yeah probably. What does my name mean??" James said

"Nothing basically. Potter is a boring name, so is James."

James looked a bit disappointed but then asked " what about Peter? Oh and Evans??"

"Evans isn't even in our group but it means nothing either. Pettigrew means small or something."

"I guess we can start making nicknames for you two?" James said, looking at the door where Remus left and me.



That's where my nickname started, Moony. It made me anxious because they didn't know. They couldn't know. I hid my monthly trips even more carefully. After a few months of knowing each other, they were a bit suspicious but so far not prying.

None of the nicknames they tried stuck with any of the others.

It was almost time for Christmas break. I hadn't thought of my parents in a bit. They had always tried their best with my whole.. werewolf thing. I didn't really blame them for my lonely childhood. There wasn't any school where werewolves weren't feared. No one knew why I was sick so often. No one could. I really hoped no one at Hogwarts found out.

My mother, Hope, was a quiet and understanding woman. She stayed away from me during the day before, the night of, and the day after. I didn't mind that much but it felt very lonely, and that part of the month was the hardest.

My father, Lyall, was a wizard and therefore a lot more educated with this than her. Especially since he worked in the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures from a bit before I was born until my.. problem got in the way of it. It was fine. No need to dwell I guess. It was going to be uncomfortable. They were two quiet people who had to deal with me.

'Soulless, evil, deserving of nothing but death' Words said before I was four, before I was bitten. A common opinion of werewolves. Something my father said. Those words were ingrained in my head forever, even if he didn't mean them now. 



I crumpled up the third letter from my parents. I hid the letters from my friends. Another letter with the same answer.

Sirius Orin Black,

As we have stated in our other letters, you must come home. You are our heir and this is expected of you. This silly back and forth is disappointing. Expect punishment for wasting my time.

W. Black

Stupid parents.

My parents.. well I hated them. I guess that's obvious. I've been trying to get every imprint of their touch off me as soon as I was old enough to see what they were doing was wrong. I was never like Reg. Reggie was the closest to a real family I had. He hated me calling him anything but stiff 'Regulus'. Reg was.. a good son to my parents. Compliant. Disciplined. Quiet. Talented. A definite future slytherin. He had his own mind but thought I was stupid for rebelling. I never thought him a bad person but he wasn't a good one either.

Anyway, most of the time at home was mind numbingly boring and the rest was just painful. Not only mentally and emotionally, physically too. I expected a Cr*cio just for sorting into Griffendor. They don't Cr*cio me often, only they think that anything else is too little punishment.

Sometimes I think about what would happen if I told someone about it, the tortue. I know it's illegal. Where would I go? Would they be able to get out of it? Would anyone believe me? I always ended that thinking with the fact that no one would believe me, and even if they did, would it be enough proof? 

AN: I know this is weak af but uh hopefully some of it it decent? 

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