15, third year: The End, or is it?

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That month was hell. The rift between me and Sirius seemed to bring Lily and James together. James didn't flirt with Lily and Lily was nice to james.. They seemed to truce over the common goal of getting us back together. Their relationship seemed to be on the back burner.

I didn't sleep well. It seemed that Sirius didn't either. But then the month was over.

"I want things to go back to normal, Remus, or better. It's been a month. The moon is soon."

I thought for a second. "I need to ask something and I just want a clear answer."


"Are you sure you don't just like me because I'm everything your- your former parents didn't like? A halfblood poor werewolf?"

He stared at me for a second. "Definitely not."

I sighed tiredly. "Okay."

"Remus John Lupin, do you like me?"


"Okay, well I'm in love with you. I'm only falling harder."

I stared at the ground trying to absorb all this. "I'm really sorry I made you do all this."

"It's worth it for you."

"I love you too."



"Kiss me?"

I smiled and laughed a bit in relief. "As you wish."

And we kissed. Since the invention of the kiss, there have been five kisses rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind.

Though, I suppose, James would want that quote for his first kiss. A sentence for a happily ever after. Maybe it wasn't a happy ever after but I was happy then.



We hung out in the library like we did often. The others pretended to study while me and sometimes Lily and Regulus actually did.

"Hey guys, Lily, and Peter." reg started

"Yeah?" sirius said

"Hmm?" lily said

"I just wanted to say that im asexual. And biomantic."

"Yay reg! I'm proud of you!" lily said

"Good job reg" i said

"THAT'S MY BROTHER!" sirius yelled

Madam pince glared at him

"That's cool." Peter said.

"We are slowly collecting the rainbow, eh?" james joked

"Collect the rainbow, taste the rainbow." i said

"I love skittles." (not spon) 



I sighed dramatically as I laid in remus' lap. "I want to try to make a patronus."


"They don't teach them in school but I did an animagus. I bet I could do it. "

"Do..do you think you have a happy enough memory?"

"My dear moony, despite my childhood being absolute trash, I have the best group of friends and an amazing boyfriend."

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