10, second year: Bracelets

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"Moony moony moony!"

"Yes james?"

'I'm going to make us all friendship bracelets! I've already started them."

"Uhh why?"

'Why not moony??"

"Okay great reasoning."

"Oi prongs!" Sirius said, walking into the common room. "Oh, moony hey"

"Prongs?" i asked, confused

"Uhh james stabbed me with a fork and I started calling him that to make fun of him but it's kinda sticking." Sirius explained

"Okay, prongs," I said, turning to james.

"Anyway, James, your mom's owl came." he gave james a package

"These must be my bracelet supplies!"

"What do you think of the bracelet idea sirius?"

"Uhh it's great" he said hesitantly

"Thank you!" james said happily


I finally admitted to myself that I was scared. It was four months after Christmas break finished and I still hadn't shown the others my records. I knew they were hiding something from me. I decided that showing them this might help. Everyone else didn't remember and therefore didn't bring it up.

I talked to Lily when the others were gone. She didn't bring her records to school but she could have them mailed. I would show them David Bowie, Belle and Sebastian, and ABBA. She would show them the Beatles and Queen when her records got here.

And so I got my record player out from under my bed and pulled out the vinyls I brought with me. Hunky Dory by David Bowie. One of my favorite albums. I was putting the needle on when someone came in.

"What's that?" It was Peter, Sirius and James beside him of course.

"It's time for you guys to listen to the great muggle artists of our time."

"Ohhh yay muggle music device, that's so cool." sirius said curiously

I turned back to put the needle on. The intro of Changes filled the common room. I, of course, couldn't limit Bowie's greatest to just our room.

They liked it. I knew they would. I don't know what I was nervous about.

Their makeshift dancing, it wasn't good nor would i call it true dancing, started when i played Tigermilk by Belle and Sebastian.

What really destroyed me internally was Sirius. Sirius danced mostly with his hips. It got worse when lily's albums got here. I suppose better would be more accurate. Depending on if me being unable to do anything but watch those hips, was good or bad. Sirius dancing to killer queen with- with... those hips. Sirius is going to be the death of me. Not that I liked him or anything, but Sirius black was undeniably attractive. If anyone was the littlest bit gay, there was no way they funtioned while sirius black danced. 

I couldn't deny that i was gay. Sirius wasn't the only guy who was attractive. It took me until I got over those guys to realize what my feelings were. It never seemed to be a good time to come out. I didn't expect it to come out of my mouth when I came out, but I didn't regret telling them. I knew that they would react well.



Three days before the moon. No more secrets. I was excited, despite knowing that he was going to be at least a little angry.

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