7, second year: Freedom

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cw:  homophobia


I walked into the Gryffindor common room. I had just come back from studying in the library. I saw Peter crying alone.

"Woah woah woah, Peter what's going on?" I said rushing to his side.

"I-I don't know, Remus. I feel.. weird."

"Weird how?"

"Like something is o-off." He took some deep breaths

"Okay.. what feels off?"

"Me. Something about me."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"I-" Peter was interrupted by James and Sirius coming in.

"Moony! Hey!" James' eyes widened when they moved from me to Peter "Peter! Are you okay??"

"Uh yeah.." he said carefully 

The other two marauders came over to us. "I will kill Anna!" SIRuiS said fiercely

"Uh, why?" Peter said concerned

"He means Amelia." I corrected

"OH I'm so sorry yeah."

"She didn't do anything."

"What's going on then?"

"I don't know.. can I just have a hug- mfgh" he was covered in our three bodies in a group hug. "Thank you guys" he said muffled



No. I can't. Tomorrow is the day. I've put off thinking about it but.. they aren't going to be forgiving every time I go. Bella told me Uncle alphard was disowned, burned off the Black Family Tapestry. So even he isn't there to deflect them from the worst of the punishment. I haven't yet convinced them I could stay. It was too late anyway.

I attempted to act like I slept that night and was excited for the break on the train. I waved to them, smiling for what I thought would be the last time for the next two weeks.

I kept a straight face, used to worse than the twisting feeling of apparition. I nodded my acknowledgement to Regulus and ignored the others as I went to my room.

Christmas that year might've been the worst day of my life. At least it was for my life so far at that point.

So.. christmas day..

Like every year, every able bodied, acceptable Black came to dinner. They talk about everyone being lower, them being better, and their children. Then after dinner, the Black children show off their acceptable skills that have been forced into them.

I wore a purple suit. Never green, but also never red. Always toeing the line. Mother scowled but didn't make me change. She roughly adjusted my tie.  

Of course, they decided to talk about gay people. Only the second topic of the dinner, we weren't even through the appetizer.

"It's despicable. Now that the muggles accepted the homosexauls, the muggle-loving mudbloods are going to follow!"

"Mhm, good thing those [REACTED]s are not able to reproduce."

"I'm glad none of my children are [REACTED]s I'd kick them out immediately."

"They shouldn't exist, same with mudbloods."

"I heard old alphard had some homosexaul scandal when he was young. If he wasn't disowned, I'd disown him after hearing that."

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