6, second year: Love and Fashion

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"Hey Lily, do you know Queen?" I heard Remus say

"Uh, of course I know Queen, I live with muggles." She said as if it was obvious

"Oh thank Merlin, someone here knows music!"

"Hey! We know music!" I protested

"What kind of music?" Remus sounds sceptical

"I learned piano my whole childhood and I've heard some popular wizard bands."

"I'm bringing my record player from home and showing you real music."

I didn't protest because I wanted to hear remus' music.



"Are you wearing my jacket?"

"Remus, this is so cool. I love muggle clothes and inventions!"

"The leather jacket. Definitely a top invention." I said sarcastically 



I walked into the bathroom to see Remus drawing on his eyelid with a weird stick. "What's that?"


"Eyeliner? Put it on me!"

"Here." He leaned in close and held my eyelid closed. He gently drew a line on my lid. What a weird feeling. He was so close. I loved it.

"How do I look?"

"Amazing as always."

"Moony, you flatterer." I looked in the mirror and immediately decided to steal the eyeliner when he wasn't looking. I needed this in my life.

I, of course, wore it almost every day after that. It took a few days for me to learn to do it myself. And a few weeks for it to look decent. 



"I swear Lily is getting prettier every day" James said, watching Lily who was on the other side of the table a few people away, far enough that she didn't hear.

"We get it, you're in love with her." I said, a little bit sick of James' lovesickness.

He blushed, "Whenever you fall for some girl, you are allowed to do the same."

I attempted not to make a gay joke. "..uh well.. I will be extra annoying when I fall for someone, just because of this."

"Go ahead."

"No don'ttttt" Sirius groaned, "i don't need two James's"

James gasped in fake offence. I smirked and said, "I personally would love two James."

"Thank you moony. See at least someone cares about me!"

"Does this mean I'm allowed to be annoying about my crushes too?" Peter asked

"Of course" James said at the same time as Sirius was sighing loudly.

"I like Amelia." He said quietly, referring to another gryffindor. She was friends with dorcas.

"Oh great, she's nice." I said

"You better ask her out!" James added

"You have a better chance then James with Lily" Sirius said with amusement.

"What do I say?" Peter said nervously

"Just be like, 'oi, Amelia, go out with me?'"

"Don't take advice from James.." I advised

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