8, second year: Secrets

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"Mr. Black, Mr Potter, young Mr. Black. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday." me, james and reggie sat in from of Dumbdoor

"Mhmm, now to business." i said dismissively

"How can I help you?"

"Reg left home with me and I'm.. scared something might happen to him in slytherin." I said, actually being serious. (haha)

Dummydore thought for a second. "Well.. we've never done something like this but if you want to try.. We could do a re-sorting for him. The hat takes into account your preferences and if safety is enough of a priority for him, he might get a different house."

"What'd ya say reggie?"

He glared at me because of the nickname. Then softened. "I.. think it's worth a try."

The old headmaster got the raggedy hat and put it on my younger brother's head. A few seconds later the hat yelled "RAVENCLAW" dumbbelldore took the hat off

"Ravenclaw.." I whispered. I hugged my brother, he wiggled out of my embrace.

"Congrats." james said

"I-i didn't think that was going to work. I don't have friends."

"It's okay reg, you'll make friends, it's still first year." james said


"Besides, you have us, even though we are in a different year and house." i said

Reg scoffed "great help that is."

"You can hang with us anytime we don't have class."

He looked like he was considering it. "Okay thank you."

"Of course."

We helped Regulus find the Ravenclaw dorms and then we went to ours.

"Are either of you going to tell me what's going on or what? No one explained."Remus was standing expectantly in the common room. Peter was sitting there and looked up at us

"Oh right.i'll explain." I sat beside peter. "Okay first, i'm gay."

Remus' expression didn't change, like he expected it. "Oh right, I'm supposed to be surprised. Oh really? Its okay i support you"

"Uh what? You knew?" i said

He tilted his head. "I suspected."

"I support you too, sirius!" peter said

"Anyway, my parents didn't and i came out by accident when they were being homophobic. So I grabbed my brother and went to James's house. But Then we were like what are we gonna do so my brother doesn't die?? So we talked to old Dumbledore and he re-sorted reggie."

"Actually? I didn't know resorts were a thing." remus raises his eyebrow, nice eyebrow too hmm

'Not till now." i said

"Wow." peter said


Today was the day I decided. I walked into the room I shared with the other marauders with as much confidence as I could muster.


"Moony! Tell James he's an idiot." Sirius said

"He is but why?" I said raising my eyebrow and trying not to look like I'm about to throw up from nerves

"See?" Sirius said

"But I'm smart!" James said pouting

"Believe it or not, those things are not exclusive. You both are idiots and smart."

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