11, second year: First Moon

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The first moon with all the marauders together. The three of us hid under the invisibility cloak and followed remus. He and Madam Pomfrey walked outside. To the Whomping Willow and Pomfrey pressed a knot on the tree. We all slipped into a space in the roots. A passage under leads to a trapdoor above. Remus talked to her as we slipped around her and through the door after him. She closed the door and covered it with charms.

"Here it is, the shrieking shack." It was a nasty looking house. Bloody boards on the windows for merlin's sake!. Scratches covered the walls and a raggedy bare bed sat in a corner. 

"Moony.." i said sadly

"What?" he looked down at me

"This is terrible. You sit here alone one a month?"

"Nothing to damage here." he responded

"How long until the moon?" peter asked

"Any moment now."

We were silent for a minute.

"We should transform soon, then." james said

Remus laid on the bed. We transformed. I laid on the bed next to remus. James and Peter laid on the ground.

The transformation looked so sad I might have cried if I was in human form. He screamed. I whined. His final form was like a wolf's but longer, thinner and with dark fur. He wasn't as ugly or as scary as I thought he was going to be.

I barked at him. He panted and growled back. I growled and barked again, stepping towards him. He was almost twice my size. I followed my canine instincts. He looked tired. We stared at each other for a few seconds before the wolf submitted. He knew I was the pack leader. We were pack. He turned his attention to getting out. I barked at him and he stopped. Though he didn't like being cooped up, he didn't disobey me and was less aggressive then I thought he probably usually was.

Remus didn't get any new scars that night. After a few moons we successfully figured out how to get out of the shack and we roamed the woods. One of ys usually carried peter.



"I don't think I've ever seen you wear jewelry." Lily said, spreading jam on his toast. We were at breakfast

"Egh, James made it, I have to wear it." i responded

"..James made that?" she glanced at james

"Yeah he insisted on making us friendship bracelets because he learned over the break."


"Just now realizing he isn't the worst person to walk on earth?"

"Nah, he still is, I just didn't think- I um... it looks okay I guess."

"I'll pass your compliments to-"

"Don't you dare tell him, I'll never live it down."

"Calm Lily, I'm not an idiot."


"I hope someday you'll realize he isn't either"


"He's one of my best friends. He's an idiot, I know, but I love him."

"If he gets it through his thick head that i'm not interested and starts talking to me properly, i think about not totally hating him." 

"He can't stop from being extra stupid around you. He wants your attention. He knows you're not interested, which makes every interaction with you that much more precious to him."

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