5, second year: Home Again

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Cw homophobia


Finally going back home. To hogwarts. The closest to home I have. I missed it. I missed them. I ran into the train ignoring my mother's stern voice. I decided before I found the compartment any of the others had chosen that hugging was probably something I shouldn't do. Mother's voice rang in my head 'hugging other boys is queer'. My mother's voice almost convinced me to do it in spite but I still didn't want to come off as gay. I knew by now that I was. Gay, I mean, but I didn't know how the others would react. And I didn't like any of them like that.

"Sirius!" James hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back. If they hug me, I'll hug them.

Remus looked up from his book and smiled at me. "Hey"

"Hey guys." I said looking at both of them happily.

"How was your summer?" Remus said carefully and I knew what he was implying.

"The usual. It's boring. They are far too stiff."

"Peter's here, he's in the bathroom." James said, closing the compartment door behind me as I sat.

"Cool, how was your summer, you two?" I stretched while talking

"The m- my illness wasn't too bad to me. My parents are too careful around me. Boring I guess. I wish I got letters from you but I understand." Remus put his book away to talk.

"I wish you both could come to my house. It's so boring," James complained.

Me and Remus exchanged amused glaces. "You have Peter at least." I said raising an eyebrow

"Yeah." If James was found to say more, he didn't because Peter came in.

"Hey Sirius, good summer?" Peter said

I looked at James. Was this the right time? "My parents.. aren't the nicest Peter. Other than that it's dull."

"Oh well mine was good. I saw James. You have to send owls more, Sirius!"

"Peter.. I can't. When I say my parents aren't nice.."

"They don't let him do anything fun. Or anything not fun really." James supplied for me

"Oh. He should come to your house James."

"Peter, no, they are blacks-" James started

"I'm a black." I interrupted

"So they are an old traditional kind of family except Sirius. The good, nice fluffy haired sheep." James said

"You're saying that because you want to touch my hair."


"I mean, who doesn't." Remus said

"It's a very special privilege if I let you touch my hair."

James put his hand to his chest "I hope to someday get that privilege."

"Same." Remus said and then also put his hand on his chest

Peter quickly copied them. "Uh yeah I guess."

And soon we were home.


I didn't think those two could get more annoying but then quidditch tryouts were announced. So, of course, we had barely been back a few weeks before James woke everyone before dawn to practice. Him and Sirius were the only ones actually practicing but the act of trying to get Sirius up always woke the rest of us up.

After a week I found that the most effective way to get Sirius up is to lay on him until he can't breathe and begs you to get off.

Finally the day came, tryouts. James going for chaser and Sirius (and Marlene) going for beater.

Zane Cooper was the captain that year. There was one beater spot and one chaser spot. The other beater was a 7th year so I supposed Marlene could try again next year.

I watched tiredly, wishing I was allowed to skip. 'I need you there moony! You're my best friend' a best friend who could be sleeping now. Beaters first. Through my tired gaze I realized that marlene was fast. She had a chance against Sirius after all. Oh well Sirius could try next year.

I somehow fell asleep soon after Sirius' tryout despite the cold of the morning. I missed James'. He didn't notice and seemed happy. Sirius didn't get it but he didn't seem to sad.

There were only three games a year so I wouldn't have to sit out here again until then unless they made me come to practice. 



"Remus?" I asked. He was working on something

"Mmhm?" He said not looking up

"What are you doing?"

"Can't a bloke do his homework in peace."

"That's not homework" I said, reading a few sentences from the book over his shoulder. "That's... a book about secret passageways?"

He sighed. "Okay, fine. Remember what Peter got me last year for Christmas."

"A map is a lame present. I stand by that." I sat beside him

"I think I can improve it, you'll like it." Remus bit his lip in concentration


"I think we should explore the castle."

"We explore the castle all the time." I stretched

"Not to find the secret passageways."

"We found that one leading to slytherin from that statue."

"There are more. And we can record them on this map." He flipped through the book he had as if looking for a specific part

"Okay. Still, it sounds boring." I yawned

"I told Peter about this plan to improve the map. He-"

"You took Peter first?"

"You said it's boring. Don't interrupt." He looked at me. "Peter said we should put labels on flitch and mrs. Norris to avoid them. I think we should put them on everyone."

"That's a cool idea actually but why everyone?" I sat up actually interested

"Prefects and teachers? Plus we could find each other and others faster."

"We should get the other marauders here."

"What's going on?" James asked.

I explained it to James.

"Woah, we should make a password to get it." He said excitedly

"Well I guess we all have more homework." 

AN: an stands for author's note if y'all didn't know.

Anyway, I'm trying my best to write this but I kinda forgot about it for like a week (not like anyone is reading it so 🤪 whatever) 

Hopefully I'll get to finish it and then be able to go back and edit it more

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