13, third year: Pride <3

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Summer was okay. We sent letters back and forth. The wolf missed our friends. As did i.

This year is when we choose electives with the usual , Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Astronomy, and Charms.

James and Sirius picked muggle studies and divination. As a half blood Muggle Studies would be boring for me. I was taking care of magical creatures with peter. I think Lily chose ancient runes with me. Peter also chose Arithmancy.

Peter soon regretted choosing Arithmancy. I tried to help him the best I could. James and Sirius regretted divination but at least they had each other to help. I loved taking care of magical creatures.

I often studied sitting in the field or against a tree. The other marauders joined me sometimes. I liked to lay down in the grass and watch the clouds when i was alone to take a break or if I finished my work.

'What are you doing" i knew it to be sirius before seeing him

"Hey pads. I'm laying in the grass."

"Why?" he asked. He laid beside me

I laughed. "If you don't know why'd you do it"

"Might as well try it out."

"I just like to rest. It's peaceful. Also I like watching the clouds.

"What's special about the clouds?"

"Sometimes they look like something. Look, that one's a Thestral."

"What the fxxk is a Thestral"

"The invisible horses that pull the carriages. It's said that it's tail feather was used to create the elder wand, like from that story. Looks like a skinny black winged horse. I guess you can't see them but they can only be seen by someone who's witnessed death. "

"Wow.. oh yeah i see a winged horse in the clouds."


We started laying and watching the clouds more often. Once he brought reg. Reg said it was boring but kinda peaceful. The other marauders joined every once and a while but it was mostly just us two. I even did it in the winter a few times.



Ever since the summer, Lily was nicer to James. He also took up quoting the princess bride to her. Remus got him the book for his birthday because he keep asking him for quotes

"I have to go to charms now." lily said walking away

"Have fun storming da castle!" james quoted

Lily laughed despite probably not wanting to. He was growing on her.

"Lily, study with me!"

"In your way you'll never get anything done, even if i wanted to"

"My way? What's my way?"

"Staring at me"

"My way isn't very sportsmanlike."

"James! Stoppp" 

I laughed at lily. Her opinion of james was definitely changing



We all got to go to hogsmeade. Sirius had james' parents sign his form. We were just going to go as a group but of course James wanted to ask lily. A thought flitted through my head to ask sirius. What? What was I thinking? I didn't like sirius! A memory of lily immediately guessing that I liked Sirius came into my thoughts.

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