14, third year: Almost There

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Reggie came up to me while I was talking to a classmate about a deviation thing.


"Hey reg."

He watched the girl walk away. "Im... not straight."

I smiled at him. "Good! Glad to get the straight out of the family."


"So.. are you gay..? Or?"

"I'm not sure I'm ready to tell you.. But I know and Remus said you'd be happy to hear I'm not straight. "

"Ah, as we know, Remus is always right."

"You have a crush on remus." it wasn't a question.

"People compliment Remus all the time, I flirt with all my friends."

"You have a crush on Remus," he repeated.

"Fine. don't tell him."

"I think I had a crush on your best friend at some point?"

"Remus? You too?"

"No.. james."

"Oh. good taste."

"Uhh.. thanks?"

I laughed. "Anyone you like now?"

"No, not right now."

"Okay." I put my hands in my pocket. I felt something there. "Oh! Here you can have this." I handed him a little piece of chocolate.

"Thanks.." he ate it. "Siri, I don't know- I don't think I've ever said it before.. But i love you."

"I love you too reggie."

"You are such a prat."

"That I am."



"Ah Mara!" Sirius said to a girl passing. "Have my muggle studies answers??"

"Oh yeah! Who's this?" She looked at regulus who was sitting beside me

"Oh, here is my husband, James potter. My wife, Lily potter. My boyfriend, Remus lupin. And my brother, Reggie black."

"Regulus!" Reg corrected

"Oh. I didn't know you were polyamourous. I also heard you were gay?"

"Oh no, I'm not polyam, these are all platonic."

"Okay?" She gave him the answers and walked away

"Seriously, sirius?" i said, amused

"Everything i do is sirius-ly"



I can't. How can Remus just sitting there be so hot??

I might be going insane. It's so obvious that even Remus might be able to tell I like him.

"James what do I doooo???"

"About your massive crush on remus? Or about this history essay?"

"Fxxk history."

"Fxxk Remus."

"Hey! ...oh."

"Yeah. I'm positive he has a massive crush on you too."

"You're also positive you'll get with lily."

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