12, second year: end of year

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A beautiful Saturday evening at Hogwarts school of magic. Warm, normal since it was June, but not hot enough to ruin the day. I laid in bed, soaking in the almost-end-of-year vibes. It was that sweet spot in between moons where i feel the best

Peter came in tripping on possibly nothing. "Hey, remus!"

"Hi peter." i didn't look up

"Ah! Oh Sirius! You scared me" i heard peter say

"Quiet little dog feet" i muttered

"Dog feet hmm..paw feet.. paw foot that could be my name!"

"Almost. It sounds almost right."

"I never got a name either"

"Hmmm.. you're a rat. You're a rodent with a worm tail."

"Wait, say that again!"

"Rodent with a worm tail?"


"Yeah it kinda looks like a worm."

"No, i mean wormtail could be my nickname"

"Huh, yeah"

"How is Wormtail better than paw foot?"



James walked in, "what's going on?"

"I'm Padfoot and Peter's Wormtail, your Prongs, Moony's Moony. We got our names. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prong, the Marauders!"

"Hey uh guys.. I actually wanted to say something."

"Oh yeah, of course, go ahead Peter," I said. We all looked to peter. James sat on his bed.

"Um i think- no i mean uh i know- i uh i'm nonbinary.."

"That's great!" james said

"..it is?" peter said uncertainty

"Of course, figuring out yourself and being brave enough to share that? That's amazing peter- or do you have a new name?" sirius said

" no, I think Peter works. Also I use he/they pronouns now."

"Thank you for trusting us." I said and I hugged him. "Are you still comfortable rooming with us? I know the dorms are gendered but we could figure something out.."

"No, I like rooming with you guys."

"Great!!!" james said happily

"And.. Can you guys help me tell the teachers?"

"Of course!" james said


"...so if you could use he/they for me.. Um that'd be great." peter finished

"Of course-" she was interrupted by snape

Snape laughed. "They? Are you now a bunch of people?"

"Mr. Snape." Mrs McG warned

Lily grit her teeth. James was held back by Peter and I stepped forward.

"I'll explain and I'll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you warthog-faced buffoon." I said. Lily and a few other muggleborns laughed. "I guess you were too focused on your own reflection to learn proper english. 'They' is used for singular and plural. Now do your own homework."

"Whatever, he is still a boy." snape rolled his eyes

"Severus Snape, I do not tolerate transphobia in my classroom. Go to the headmaster's office immediately."

Snape slumped off to dummydorer's office while other students came in looking confused.

Lily came over to me. "I love the princess bride reference. We should watch it sometime."

"Yeah the others haven't seen it. They definitely should."

"None of them have a telly though."

"I can try to convince my parents to let me have all of you over and we can watch it using mine.ill owl after class"

"Perfect. I hope we will be able to do it."


"I'm going to watch a movie with lily??" Potter said happily after I relayed the plan for a random weekend in the summer.

"Maybe, if we all can go, and if my parents let you come with all of us there. She probably won't talk to you."

He sighed dreamily, "still.."

"I think it's great." peter said  

 "Yes, I think I'll like it" Sirius said. "Oh.. can I bring reggie?"

"Of course." we had become somewhat friends. He mostly came at the beginning of the year when he felt lonely. He was nice, after he properly got over his prejudgeous.

And so that was the plan. The second weekend of July they would all come to my house by floo, except lily who was coming by car and would stay for a night, and leave by floo. 



"Are all muggle films read like a book?" i asked

Lily looked amused and Remus looked tired but laughed. "No, sirius, this one is supposed to be like a bedtime story because these aren't the type of movies that match the type muggle make now. It's a little old fashioned I guess."

"Well I like the kissy bits" I said and lil burst out laughing. Prongs looked like this was the best day of his life. Reggie was still a bit shy but he smiled.


"Hey padfoot, can you get more popcorn."

"As you wish, moony."

I thought I saw him blush, but I went to get the popcorn.

"How did you all get those nicknames anyway?" i heard lily ask

"Pads is a light walker, I have a weird name, prongs stabbed Sirius with a fork, and Sirius thought mice had weird tails, and Peter is sneaky like a mouse."

"Huh, interesting."

An: okay i put like a lot of princess bride references so you don't need to watch it but thats what they'll be referencing. 

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