📃letter to you 📃

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Ship- Sean x Milly
Genre- fluff/end/angst?
Au-end of high school/time skip
Announcement- sorry for not posting- I hadn't got any good motivation for the past month or so

It was the last day of high school. Everyone was saying goodbye to their friends, crying and hugging their teachers saying goodbye flooding their tears onto them like a tissue. But there was something between two lovers which never will see each other again face to face unless some special occasions of course but never frequently. At least only one of them knew they liked each other while one was plainly oblivious of the fact that someone likes them, so caught up in their crush they don't know their true feelings about them. But today was the day that Millicent Brooks does her confessing to her former best friend Sean Everett. She was both scared and nervous, I know it was idiotic of her to do this on the last they of school for him because she couldn't bare seeing Sean's face after she gave him the letter of her up coming doom or happiness. Also because they were in different grades than him, kind of sad not seeing you best friend for a year waiting for a response which might change their relationship. She was totally scared for her life, slipping the lip slobbered seal letter inside of his locker, now she waits for the answer of the decision of a life time dine my Sean, her best friend for over 3 years I'm counting. So that's when she lets go of it and goes on with her day.

Sean POV.
Today's my last day at this school. I'll miss so much here at this school, Alabama high school was the best and I wish I could rewind time so I can do everything over again especially meets my friends Hailey , Milly , Zander , Luke and Jake. We've won the battle of the bands but it doesn't stop yet. Sure I'll be really busy with collage and chasing my dream but I'm sure I'll have some spare time for my friends and for practice. My dream Is fashion design, I know I do music but that's nit my whole priority it's fashion too. It mesmerizes me how some cloths can make such a statement about what your personality is. It's really cool how a pop of colors can show how fun or boring you are in life and something I've always imagined was if everyone whore their personality on a shirt! It would be so cool when we meet them we know their personality so we don't how to trouble learning about them. But enough of me rambling, I have to clean out my locker today y'know cause if the last day of school sort of thing? Yeah you probably get the whole thing by now. Now I have to do a life time supply of cleaning, just then I see a white crisp letter on my English textbook on the right on of locker and hold it mysterious wondering what I possibly could be. But when I read it, it's much more than what I was suspecting..

Milly POV.
It the end of the day, I really happy that I gave my feeling to Sean instead of saying it sometimes I'm a shy person sometimes I'm not. Well, at least this isn't my last time seeing Sean I can still she him time to time which makes me happy some what. Suddenly, I hear a voice. "MILLY WAIT." a recognizable voice calls out to me. That's right it was Sean who was running through the hall to get to me. While he was trying to get air from running around the whole school trying to find me he caught is breath and stood up straight like was was in the military and the general walked past them which made me giggle of the inside "Milly..I'm sorry but I can't return your feelings." Those were the words that genuinely crushed me into pieces.

And that's the last time I saw Sean ever again...

Hoped you liked it! And I'll see you in the next one shot see you later! Bye! ❤️

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