Prologue: It was the summer of 1990-something

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|Art by me, based on the descriptions given by Randy Studdard

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|Art by me, based on the descriptions given by Randy Studdard

Five years had passed since Brett Randalls had been given his superpowers from the Napaj Microchip incident. Five years since Mother Brain sprung to life from a corrupted Metroid Cartridge. Five years of battling the forces of evil that Mother Brain sent out into the real world. Five years of incidents world-wide, related to the sudden appearances of video game baddies terrorizing civilians. Five years of covering it up.

Five years, of being Captain Nintendo.

Luckily, he hadn't had to work alone. Together with Maxwell Powers and Morgana O'Faye-- and of course the digital life-form known as EMERALD-- they managed to keep each incident isolated and under the radar. It was a long and terrible struggle, but they had to admit it had it's perks.

With the improvement in technology over the years, they had a good thing going. Computers and phones were becoming more and more popular-- and more and more affordable-- which meant whenever there was an incident they always had what they needed nearby. They also managed to keep their day jobs while having an excuse to get away when they needed to save the world again, simply labeling the matter as a technical issue requiring a house call. They were a regular superhero team, straight out of a comic book, and the world would never know.

The only issue was soon Mother Brain stopped acting locally. Her reach spread out from Washington, which meant a lot of sudden day trips, and if Mother Brain's reach continued to expand, they'd have a much harder time keeping this whole thing under wraps. This was Morgana's job, covering with corporate. With Brett's powers as Captain Nintendo, he could travel quickly and unseen by those witnessing the average light spectrum, but it still took too much time to travel there and back.

For instance, at this moment he was currently stuck in a shipping yard on the coat of Oregon, locked in combat with William J. Blazkowicz from Wolfenstein 3D. He was a long way from home, and a long way from help, but Captain Nintendo was rarely defenseless. Ducking behind a large shipping container, he waited and listened.

A little ways away, Blazkowicz walked across the pavement, giant machine-gun in hand as he searched for Captain Nintendo. He had a wide grin as he kept his head on a swivel, making it clear he had lost sight of the Captain.

"What is it you're here for?" the Captain wondered. When he'd first showed up, Blazkowicz was preoccupied with looking for something, checking different shipping crates. He'd caught sight of Captain Nintendo and fired his machine gun, shredding one of the larger containers. That was when Captain Nintendo retreated to attempt investigating.

Now, momentarily giving up his search for the Captain, Blazkowicz turned around and went back to what he was doing. The Captain followed from out of sight as Blazkowicz got angrier and angrier that he wasn't finding anything, and if the shipping container was empty of what Blazkowicz needed, he filled it full of bullets.

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