Semifinals 2: Samus VS Mario

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Much like how the Quarterfinals shared one stage, so did the Semifinals

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Much like how the Quarterfinals shared one stage, so did the Semifinals. It was the same bubble of pink fire and green smoke, with the same monolith slab of stone floating in the center and the same three smaller platforms floating above that.


Before Captain had disappeared he was frantically trying to find answers to this tournament, and after he came back he was telling everyone to just go with it. Captain always kept secrets, but this felt like there was another layer to it, with the shifts in behavior assuring those who remained that the losers are fine. Present tense. All of it added up to what Samus felt was the only logical answer.


It was down to Samus, Link and Mario as the last fighters, and between Link and Samus, Mario wasn't sure which he wanted to fight less. He had power, a lot more power than he used to have in his own world, but he knew he couldn't stand up to these two. But it was Samus he was facing, and he wasn't sure how he was meant to play this.


What if she was wrong? It was a dangerous risk if she was wrong. Her gut instinct told her to be skeptical of Captain, but her gut also told her that she was right about her theory. Her gut hadn't lied to her before, she didn't become one of the most famous bounty hunters in the galaxy by ignoring her instincts... But she had to be sure.


If he won, could he stand up to Link's power? If he lost, then it was down to Samus and Link, and he wasn't sure which of them would win. He wasn't sure which one should. If the goal was to take down the gods that did this, then he'd put his money on Link. But if the goal was meeting these gods and using their powers, he trusted Samus' level analytical head to make the right choices. Of course... that was all if he lost... Was that the right answer?


Samus fired several rockets in Mario's direction, but they weren't intended to hit. Mario jumped over the explosions to the higher ground of the floating platforms, and as Samus fired more rockets he jumped to the highest. Samus chased after him, using the boosters on her back to propel herself upwards. As she flew over the edge of the platform Mario was on, she grabbed him by the straps of the overalls.

They both fell back down, and in the air she threw him towards the edge. Mario skid to a stop before making it too far, but Samus was already slamming into him again. His strength could take the force of her trying to shove him, but his traction was slipping.

Then the strangest thing happened.

Samus' rockets increased in strength and she shoved Mario's arms up, jumping into the air and flipping as if Mario had turned the tables on her. She was headed straight down passed the edge--

And she stopped, dangling by one arm in Mario's grip. He held her for a moment, just staring down at her.

"Y're throwin' th' match," Mario grunted. "Why?"

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