Semifinals 1: Link VS Ninten

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A puff of smoke swirling in circles, tiny flickering flames sparking in it's center. Suddenly the smoke exploded in all directions, the rose colored flames raging in a rising pool of fire. More smoke erupted from these flames, a putrid green that glowed in the light of the fires, seeming to blot out the darkness beyond.

In this bubble of smoke and fire, a stone slab began to rise. Ancient, but smooth, with jagged and intricate patterns carved into its sides. Three smaller flat platforms descended out of the green smoke clouds, floating in the space above the stone slab. The smoke circled the air above, the fires burned below, and the stage was set.


This was Ninten's first fight, and he had a lot riding on it. He couldn't let his friends and family down, and they couldn't come back without his help. He needed to win, because that's just what heroes do.


Link told himself to go easy on Ninten. It was jarring, meeting another child with extraordinary powers now that he'd gotten used to being an adult, but this boy wasn't like Link. He didn't lose time, and whatever evils he'd fought hadn't taken that childish personality away yet. Ninten didn't need to win, he didn't need to be the hero.


Ninten stood at one end of the stage, drawing his baseball bat. He was ready. He had the tools, and the power, and the experience. This would be easy.


Link stood at the end, no weapons in hand, only a cold look in his eyes. This kid didn't stand a chance, but, there was something he needed first...


Link lifted a hand and Ninten braced himself, ready to absorb the attack... but no attack came. It wasn't a hand raised in a offense, but in warning.

"You're not going to win this fight," Link said loudly. "I want you to forfeit."

"What!?" Ninten laughed. "You think I'd let you off that easy!?"

"I don't want to hurt you," Link lowered his hand. "But I'm moving on one way or another."

"Fat chance," Ninten smirked. "Just take your sword and I'll show you who you're dealing with!"

Link shook his head. "I gave you a chance..."

Ninten ran headfirst into the fight, not wanting to waste any time. He swung his bat as soon as he was in range, and Link, just kind of grabbed it. Easily pulling the wooden stick away from Ninten, Link crushed it in half, tossing the remains over the edge of the battlefield.

Taking a step back, Ninten pulled his yo-yo out of his side pocket. Link raised an eyebrow and Ninten pulled back, throwing the end of the toy as hard as he could. It flew pretty fast, but it wasn't something Link couldn't dodge. Grabbing the string out of the air, he plucked it away from Ninten and tossed it away as well.

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