letter 52

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hyunjae awoke the next day to nearly 20 texts from juyeon. he rubbed his sleepy eyes before fully picking up his phone and wincing slightly at the bright light.




please answer

you're probably asleep but you won't believe this

changmin literally called me at 6am this morning asking for me to practice before school

why would he do that

i'm so tired

which is why i'm here to beg you

please bring some coffee to school

anything is fine but i think you know my order right ?

if you don't i don't think i'll make it through the day

thank you

ly hyunjae <333

hyunjae squeezed his eyes shut after reading that. the last thing he wanted to do was rush around and leave for school early so that he could make it to the coffee shop without being late. yet, this was something that juyeon wanted him to do, so naturally he would do it.

the boy pushed back his covers and took the fastest shower of his life before leaving his hair wet and all but racing down the stairs to gather his things together. he's woken up late already, which really didn't help, so the only way that he was going to be able to fulfil juyeon's request and not be late for class was to do everything at lightning speed.

he left his house around 20 minutes after waking up. it was probably a good thing that his mom was at work otherwise he would have to explain his strange antics to her. he feared that even she could've heard about his blog posts and might put two and two together as she could usually see straight through him.

the coffee shop wasn't far out of his way, maybe a couple minutes or so, but the queue was always huge. hyunjae stood in it for nearly 6 minutes as he nervously watched each minute tick by on his phone clock before he finally reached the counter. juyeon was right, of course, hyunjae did know his order by heart but the younger lay that down to the fact that they had been friends for so many years, not to the fact that hyunjae just took particular interest in everything he did.

after fifteen whole minutes, he finally left the shop with his and juyeon's drinks in his hand. as he thought about the situation while making the final part of his journey to school, hyunjae nearly laughed aloud at how ridiculous he was.

just how much was he willing to do for juyeon? he had woken up late but still agreed to get the boy coffee causing him to have to rush his usually leisurely morning routine and risk being late for class. it was not typical of him at all. he could certainly say that if it had been sunwoo who had asked him or chanhee he would've probably said no. yet juyeon could ask him to do anything and he would simply agree without even thinking.

it was odd that none of their other friends had picked up on this already. sangyeon and jacob prided themselves on being observant but even they had never questioned hyunjae or seemed to have acknowledged that he treats juyeon rather differently. in all honesty, hyunjae would rather keep it that way.

finally, he reached class. there was only one minute before the bell rang but he'd made it and that was all that counted. spotting juyeon sat at their normal desk in the far corner, he headed over and slammed the drink on the table to get his best friend to pay attention to him.

juyeon jumped but quickly gained his composure and smiled up at hyunjae thankfully. "thank you so much i really needed this," he took a sip of the coffee, "i don't know what i'd do without you."

lovesick idiots, anonymous // jujaeWhere stories live. Discover now