letter 57

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once again, the next morning, hyunjae awoke to a text from juyeon. this was a regular occurrence however what wasn't regular was for juyeon to be asking him to come to the studio on a tuesday.

tuesday was (and always had been) juyeon and changmin's rest day. yet that morning, juyeon didn't seem to be resting at all.

sorry to bother you this early

im kinda feeling down today i don't know why

i know i probably woke up you with this message im sorry

i just really don't wanna be alone right now

would you mind meeting me in the studio

i know it's super early so don't feel like you have to

it would just be nice

hyunjae had never moved so quickly in his life after seeing those words. he doubted there was ever anything more upsetting than the sight of juyeon when he was having a bad day. maybe it could be attributed to his usual brightness but juyeon when he was feeling down looked like he simply couldn't be bothered with anything anymore. usually he would go to the studio to try and cheer himself up by dancing, this would ultimately fail because of his lack of energy and motivation so he would call hyunjae to join him and maybe sing for a while.

it hadn't happened for a long while, juyeon had been on, what hyunjae assumed, was his longest streak of pure happiness. yet, everyone had bad days and everyone crashed down at some point. hyunjae was hardly surprised that his best friend was feeling down because of all of the pressure he was putting on himself and how hard he and changmin were working for the festival.

it hardly took ten minutes for hyunjae to quickly wash, get dressed, neglect breakfast and fly out of the door. he texted juyeon a quick 'i'm on my way' before speed working the entire way to the school.

nothing else ever really mattered to hyunjae when he knew that juyeon needed him. hyunjae swore that he would run out in a thunderstorm holding a golf club in the air if juyeon needed him to. thankfully, his best friend would never need him to go that far but hyunjae did whatever he needed all the same.

when he arrived, hyunjae cursed the fact that the dance studios were towards the back of the school and this added at least another minute to his walk. yet, he didn't have much time to think on it as before he made his way through the door to see juyeon lay in the middle of the floor basking in the silence.

"good morning," hyunjae spoke as he tossed his bag to the side before sitting down next to juyeon and pushing his shoulder lightly.

"thanks for coming, i'm not sure i'm great company right now though," juyeon spoke sadly and hyunjae felt his heart break at the younger's defeated expression.

"you're always great company, i wouldn't have stuck by you for so many years if you weren't," hyunjae commented and juyeon let a light smile brush over his face.

they sat in a comfortable silence for a while then. the older could almost hear the thoughts whirring about in juyeon's exhausted mind. he hated the fact that his best friend was so obviously suffering but there was nothing really he could do. seeing juyeon unhappy felt like the biggest injustice the world had ever seen.

"hey, would you mind singing for a bit?" juyeon asked after a short while just as hyunjae was expecting, "i know i always ask you this when i'm sad but your voice is just so soothing to me."

"of course," hyunjae spoke as he got up to grab a microphone from the cupboard and plug it into the speaker, "any requests?" he asked and juyeon sat up a little to look at him.

lovesick idiots, anonymous // jujaeWhere stories live. Discover now