letter 53

465 27 2

it was saturday then. hyunjae felt so excited to finally be able to do absolutely nothing for a whole day. yes, he had homework piling up, yes he should probably be studying for a few upcoming exams but that just sounded like tomorrow's problem. on saturday mornings, he simply preferred to lay in bed and sleep.

this was going well for a few hours. 9am passed then 10 then 11 and by this time, the boy was basically awake. that was when his phone rang.

without even bothering to check the caller id, hyunjae lifted the phone up to his ear and croaked out, "hello?"

"hi hyunjae!" changmin's phone voice out through the speaker at a volume that hyunjae thought was a bit too loud for 11:30am on a saturday morning. nevertheless, it was changmin so he had to offer back a just as enthusiastic reply.

"hi changmin!" he replied brightly although he was still curious as to why the boy had called, "what did you want?"

"ah you see," changmin started, "i'm in a bit of trouble, well, not me, juyeon was supposed to be at practice today at 11 and he just hasn't turned up, i don't know if he's slept in or whatever but do you have any idea where he is?"

hyunjae blushed after hearing his words. it was odd that he was the first person who came to changmin's mind when he couldn't find juyeon. "i'm not sure, do you need him desperately?" he asked in response.

"kinda..." changmin trailed off, "if you're busy or something don't go out of your way to try and find him or anything, there are bits i can practice without him but..."

hyunjae thought for a moment. there were two options: first, he could lie in bed all day, do nothing and not see juyeon or second, he could get out of bed have to walk ten minutes to his best friends' house but he would see juyeon. it was an easy decision.

"no i'm not doing anything, i'll go over to his house, he's probably slept past his alarm or something," hyunjae replied, it wouldn't be the first or even tenth time juyeon had done that and hyunjae had had to go and wake him up. it was probably the main reason that he had a key to younger's house.

"thank you so much!" changmin replied quickly and hyunjae smiled at the boy's voice.

"it's no problem, i'll call you when i get to him okay?" hyunjae asked.

"sure! thank you again, bye."

"bye," the older replied and the phone cut dead.

it wasn't strange that hyunjae knew changmin particularly well, they had no classes together or even any common interests. yet, as he was juyeon's dance partner, hyunjae couldn't help but see him nearly every week. maybe he was a fool who would just cater to juyeon's every request or maybe it was even the fact that sometimes he would take them food of his own accord. hyunjae didn't even really care what it was, seeing the two of them dance was enough payment.

talent couldn't even describe it, hyunjae spent most of his time watching them transfixed. admittedly, he did spend rather a lot more time watching juyeon than he did changmin but it was undeniable that both boy's were hugely talented.

hyunjae groaned loudly and pushed back his covers after spending a few minutes delaying leaving his warm bed. sometimes not even the promise of seeing juyeon 2 minutes earlier was enough to get him to leave the welcoming warmth. yet, eventually, he had to and he did do it rather willingly before trudging over to his bathroom and having the week's second fastest shower (behind yesterday) before he got changed, grabbed his things, greeted his mom and forgot about breakfast.

it only took fifteen minutes for him to be out on the street and headed to juyeon's house. the walk wasn't long, with a shortcut through the park and a fast walking pace, hyunjae usually made it in around 8 minutes. he plugged in his earphones as he walked, listening to some sad ballad about unrequited love that he ending up skipping as it hit a little too close to home. it happened almost too often, that hyunjae would hear bits of himself in songs and have to switch them off.

lovesick idiots, anonymous // jujaeWhere stories live. Discover now