New job

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*first of all I love andrew and cate together its just a fanfiction and not meant to hurt anyone. so this is a story for the gays i dont know where this will go but I hope you will enjoy it(I also inspired myself on many storys i read so if you recognise a part and you want the credits just tell me;) )*

Y/N = Your Name

Its 7am and my phone is going crazy its my bestfriend Y/bsf/N (= your bestfriends name)

Y/bsf/N: Are you awake you cant come late to the job interview.
Y/bsf/N : bitch yu have to wake up!!!!!
Y/bsf/N: am I more excited than you or why arent you awake yet?
Ybsf/N: okay im going to call you!
*3 missed calls from Y/bsf/N*

Y/N: Omg girl im awake and my alarm is on 7:30 am I could of slept 30 minutes longer /:

Y/bsf/N: well im sorry for that but now you have more time love you :3

I just smiled at my phone and told her i love her to.

7:30 am
I finally stood up and made my way to the bathroom i showerd and wrapped myself in a towel. For breakfast I had toast and egg of course i had my two morning coffees too. While I brushed my teeth I kinda started to become nervous I mean it wasnt my first time for a litte role but I really wanted it because its better than nothing. I decide for a suit today.

(I dont own his picture)I felt powerful in that suit and when im confident im happy

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(I dont own his picture)
I felt powerful in that suit and when im confident im happy.

*1 hour later*
It was my turn I was kinda excited but I just had to speak a few lines.

Job interviewer: hello im Alex i will be listening to your lines today.

y/n: Hello im Y/N Y/L/N(=your last name)

Alex: Okay y/n you can start now

I spoke my lines I was just supposed to be an waiter at the bar.

Alex: Omg wait your voice your look your act nah you not gonna be just the waitress.

y/n: oh ok I said kinda sad

Alex: Oh no I mean it in a good way you have to be Jane. (Jane was one of the main roles in the movie the forbidden love with addison kinda like in my favourite movie Carol.) I just think you fit so good and your age its perfect,

I just stood there shocked and looked at him.

Alex: Oh im sorry of course you just came for the small role i didnt want t_-

before he could talk i cut him off.

y/n: omg no of course i want it im just shocked because my dream just came true wow. May I ask who plays addison?

Alex: Of course it wil be Cate Blanchett we thought she would fit because..

he stopped talking and looked at me.

Alex: are you okay you look like you are about to faint.

He gave me a chair and i sat down.

y/n: Im sorry its just that Cate blanchett is my Idol and wow thats wonderful.

we talked for another 30 minutes about the script and everything.

I was home and I still couldnt believe it I was gonna be in a movie with Cate blanchett thats amazing. I called y/bsf/N and told her everything.
I became an email that the meeting is gonna be in 2 weeks im so excited.

I decided to make a movie marathon to calm down i first watched the german than oceanś 8 and than Carol it was now 8pm and I decided to take a hot bath bc I was still so excited about EVERYTHING.

*Next day 11am*
I just finished breakfast and wore a black joggingtrousers and a red oversized hoodie when it suddenly knocked on the door.

I opened the door and my Jaw dropped I couldnt believe it the beautiful blonde Cate blanchett stood infront me and I looked horrible.

Cate: Earth to Y/N?

Y/N : Omg Ca-Cate blanchett hey w-what are you doing here?

Cate: Im sorry for coming without an announcement but I like to meet my acting partners personally before meeting with the crew because they are gonna watch our chemistry and I dont want that to be our first time meeting so it will be less stressful.

I was so confused but I understood her.

Cate: may I come in darling?

darling did she just call me darling omg im melting.

y/n: of course.
I finally managed to say.

She sat down on the couch. She was wearing a stunning suit.

y/n: Im sorry for the mess and how i look but can I offer you coffee or tea.

Cate: a coffee for me Thank you.

While I was making us coffee I noticed she was kinda checking me out and with a joking confident voice I said.

"Its rude to stare"

Cate: Hahaha Im sorry honey but its hard to resist.

she said joking.

I liked that we could share the same humor without it being akward or anything but to hear that she cant resist me felt amazing.

Cate: So first time in a movie as the main role?

y/n: yes im very excited especially because you are in it you know im one of your 3 fans.

I said joking because she once said that in an Interview I watched.

Cate: Oh shut up. I already hate you.

y/n: Yeah I love you too.

we just sat there sipped our coffees. She gave me her number and said i should call her if I need advice. 1 hour longer than she had to leave.

Cate: so its time, I have to go my kids are waiting for me we are going to the park but it was lovely meeting you.

y/n: It was really lovely meeting you too.

I looked her in the eyes while shacking her Hand and I didnt wanted her to leave.

*this is everything for the first chapter I hope you liked it im sorry for mistakes english is not my birth language. Tell me if you like it. Next Chapter is gonna be Cates view.*

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