Cate dont leave me

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Cates kids were now with them too they told them its a small vacation. The house is actually a very big old castle so enough space for everybody. Sandra asked about her family and y/n tia Rosalia told her they are safe with security around there house and they are safer there because Alejandro might not know about them.


*Cates view*

Finally I can have my kids back in my arms and know we are safe because I trust y/n. Of course I do I love her but today was very scary. For a moment I thought this is it, i will die but im alive thanks to y/n. She still is angry on herself for not telling me her story but If I were her I would have done the same. 

The alarm got me out of my thoughts.

"whats happening" I ask scared holding sleeping Edith in my arms.

"Just the alarm a sign someone is at the big gate." Rosalia says.

"Hey we are safe honey" y/n says and kisses me on my forehead to calm me.

The door opens and Sarah comes in with two bags.

"I heard what happened are you okay?" Sarah asks worried.

"Yes we are okay no one is hurt" Sandra answers.

"I had to bring her here we dont want to risk anything." Rosalia says.

"Yes and to cheer you up I went to Mc's and brought you stuff"

We started laughing. Edith starts moving.

"Hey I will bring her to bed I want to sleep anyways." y/n says.

"dont you want to eat sweetheart"

"No not hungry" she answers while taking Edith out of my arms.

"But you havent eaten for hours"

"Yeah i know but not hungry"

"but.." she didnt let me speak.

"Cate please. So you can all just take any room you want and my room is the first one after you go upstairs " she is punishing herself with not eating and i know it. I see her going upstairs with Edith in her arms.

I eat with Sandra, Rosalia and Sarah the boys wanted to stay in there rooms. 

"Cate are you okay?" Sandra asks I must have zooned out.

"yeah fine" I sigh.

"Cate..." Sarah says to get my attention.

"I will go upstairs now if it is okay?" I ask while standing up.

"Of course get all the sleep you need." both hug me and kiss me on my cheeks.

I go upstairs and to y/n room I see her laying on the bed not knowing if she is sleeping because she is turned to the other side. I put on pyjamas and lay next to her spooning her she takes my  hand thats around her and we fall asleep with no words. 

________________________________________________________________________________*y/n view*

Cate is in a white dress running across the beautiful beach which looks like heaven. I try to catch her but she is fast we are like 10 meters apart and she turns around and stays still so do I. I look at her. 

Her skin beautiful as porcelain. Her hair so golden and it dances with the wind. Her lips slightly parted and light pink. Her cheeks have a light blush. Her Eyes blue like the Ocean. I fall in love with her over and over. I look deep into her Eyes until....


A loud sound is all I hear and blood starts appearing on her white dress. She looks down to the running blood and back up and looks at me with pain. I run towards her and catch her in my arms. 

"Cate stay with me please" she doesnt answer. "please say something"

"Its all your fault" she says and breathes one last time.

"No, No, Noooooo" I scream and thunder starts which makes the Ocean go crazy.

"You should have stayed with me princess" And there he is my uncle Alejandro holding a gun smirking and walking towards me. I lay Cate on the sand and run towards him while screaming but before I can reach him........

"WAKE UP" I jump and realise it all was a dream. I hug Cate tight and don't want to let go.

"Hey love it was just a dream im here" she tries to calm me. I look at her and kiss her.

"Im so sorry" I say.

"For what?"

"For being the reason you could be in danger."

"Stop you are not the reason you were born in this family its not youre fucking fault you fell in love with me as much as I did with you so if you want to blame someone blame fate we met and we fell in love. Thats not a crime and nothing you can control. SO STOP BLAMING YOURSELF I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT"

"Im sorry"


"I LOVE YOU TOO" I scream back she looks at me shocked we look deep into our eyes and randomly start laughing. I hug her and while I do she whispers into my ear.

"Please eat at least brakefast love"

"I will try" I answer while tears form in my eyes. She looks at me and kisses me all over my face to cheer me up while Sarah barges in.

"Breakfast is ready, oh I didnt mean to interrupt your make out session" she says holding her eyes close and laughs. Cate throws a pillow to her and we all laugh. Edith runs in the room.

"MUM MOMMYYY" she screams.

"AH AH you have to help me with the breakfast I will teach you how to do pancakes" Sandra is leaning against the door frame and trys to lure Edith out of the room.

"yeyyyyyy" Edith answers she comes to the bed to pick up Edith while she winks at us. She walks infront Sarah with Edith in her arms.

"Pancakes dont make you gay huh?" Sarah says and slaps Sandras ass while leaving and closing the door behind them. 

"You sure they are just friends?" I ask laughing.

"Yep Sarah is just Sarah" Cate answers.

"and we love her" I add.

"Yeah that we do but you know what I love more" she asks while smirking and picking me up to sit on her lap. 

"what?" I ask with our lips inches apart.

She grabs my ass and we had fun.....

*Sorry that I didnt add smut I just didnt feel like it and when I am not in the mood to write it will be bad maybe I will do the smut next chapter or I will continue after the smut. Sorry if I gave you a heartattack with the dream she had I hope not hahah. Probably will always update as short as that sorry for that but I just had 3 days of school and i am already stressed.*

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